I Was just thinking
Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability: For the most part we come here every day and try and write something of interest that is most likely of no great interest to the general population at large. This is for the working Americans the one’s that work with their hands. So, first of all thank you for dropping by today and maybe we will speak to you in person soon. Our goal here is to generate questions that you can go over with your agent or you can call us and we can see how we can be of help. We are not for everyone; we are for here and here for the small contractor. We do not handle the larger accounts here in Texas. Dallas Contractors General Liability, let’s talk about a quote.
Most everyone has heard about how fast a quote can be over the web and how little time you will have to spend over the phone working with an agent. This might well be right, yet let’s think about a claim. That is when you might want to be sure that your coverage is correct and you are covered. Now, everyone can be very busy and that could be the nature of the business. Still, you might want to ask questions on the “Codes” that are used to cover your business.
More on fast
A quote is not always binding because of the limited amount of information that is put forward to get the first numbers. The first numbers can look real good like the paint job on car and then you have a have a thought of….well how does it run. Underwriting will come into play.
Information about what your company does for a living can be very important and your might want to go over with your agent all the different kinds of exposures, in other words are you going to hire a different kinds of contractors. You may never hire a subcontractor you may have employee’s or your may hire a……
- A flooring Contractor
- A Painter
- A Concrete Contractor
- A remodeler
- A handyman
Now, there is no now way for me to know who you are going to hire, but here is something that you may want to go over with your agent. Let’s say that a person that is a painter and for some reason has been hired to do some concrete work. The thing that may be very prudent is to call your agent and see if you have coverage for concrete work.
Back to the quote
You want to have coverage so, take some of your very valuable time and go over what may be covered on the policy that company “XYZ” may be offering. You may want the very best coverage and the right price and sometimes that may does not happen because of your class code may be expensive for your Dallas Contractors Insurance general liability.
Now, there is no way that I can read every policy for general liability and will most likely never have that much time. This is one persons opinion and nothing more. If you have a question about your policy that you might want to call the agent that sold you said policy. This blog/web site and I offer no warranties
or guarantee what so ever and never will. This is for informational and entertainment purposes only.
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