Agreements, Danger out there in Dallas

Dallas General Liability insurance, Contractors: The first thing (in general) an agent hears form a company/person/contractor is how much, what is the cost of this coverage? Although speed is important (we will have your quote in about five minutes most of the time) this is so many times just the start. My first question is always going to be: did the contractor (Hiring party) supply you (your company) with a contract? If the answer is yes then you want to fax, forward this information to your agent. Inside of your agreement may be hiding (in plain sight) information that your agent would understand. Now, here amidst our scenario gets a little murky, because in reality this contract does not exist yet let’s go forward with this example, of Dallas general liability.
Anger Management
Although, you may have not been awarded the job, you still want to see the cost: back to the start we started with how fast and fast can be perfect and send a company/contractor into anger management: here is an example: Let’s use this make believe story with a thread of truth running through the middle. Here is how a person might want to seek anger management: Well here is our story any way……
Now, let’s talk agreement
Ok, now here we go and back to speed: A phone call goes to an agent and soon a contractor finds themselves in a situation where they need a contractor’s general liability policy. This is where the conversation can get strange because the agent should be asking you if you need:
- Workers Compensation
- A waiver of subrogation
- AI/Additional Insured
- Commercial Auto
- Certificate of Insurance?
Now, there can be a situation where you are awarded the Job and a contractor might purchase the general liability and find later there is a problem. Going for payment of work that has been rendered and paid for by our stories contractor is where the heart ach begins. Payment of work is held because of….well the certificate of insurance “That was taken by the company holding the money” It all seem of the day “They” accepted the certificate: now, there is a problem: inside said contract you may find out that you have agreed to terms that “AS OF YET” you have not adhered too. You might find out that all of the sudden you need to have several things that has yet to be purchased. This could be expensive: I am not saying there is a rat or loaning myself to a conspiracy. Yea, Dallas General liability.
Now, if your cost are low then you might charge less for your work. Maybe this low bid was the reason you won the contract to start with and let’s say your margins were not exactly huge. Add all the insurance and suddenly you are possibly upside down on this job. The other contractors took the time to be sure that “THEY” adhered to the conditions of the contract, saw there was no profit to be made after the cost of the insurance. Now, this was a scenario that was made up by me and that brings us to the disclaimer for Dallas General liability.
Now, here we go: I wrote this blog this morning at 3:39 AM and all of this is my information, this is my opinion and this blog should be used only for entertainment and information purposes. Now, I offer/this blog – website offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever for more information on our disclaimer click here