Good Morning Dallas

Dallas General liability insurance: You may have come here to inquire about protection for your slip and fall coverage of your business presence, or other liabilities that general liability may help protect you from and while doing so help guard your assets. Now here we are coming to the end of January 2015, can you believe it the first month is almost over? Whoa! Now, we certainly hope we can give some insights in generalizations here, in other words an overview. We will be writing and adding to our blog roll every day here in 2015 with you guys in mind. Thank you for dropping by labor force insurance today and we look forward to speaking to you soon concerning Dallas general liability insurance.
There is a lot out there
Now, there are different types of policies such as: there’s going to be a standard admitted policy and what is called a County mutual commonly known in the industry as a “mutual”. For all the finer details you want to go over that with a licensed agent here in the state of Texas. There is one variable that you may want to be aware of and that is there can be a regulatory system overseeing the state admitted carrier’s versus the non-merited or mutual carriers. Meaning the type of form will have to adhere to that states minimum standards and meet the required coverages. This can get a little complicated so I’ll just stop there.
How Much
How much you are going to pay is going to have a lot to do with the size of your company. Here at labor force insurance we only work with the small contractor that is our niche in the field, however just like a chainstore versus a independently owned vendor the chain is going to have its advantages – the translation for that is a really large-company can get some discounts that are just not going to be afforded to a smaller contractor because the minimum premium will be more than any other policy they will be offered. In other words how for pound a really large-company will be paying a lot less, yet our focus is how much we can save you and try and help your assets and make this the least painful Dallas general liability insurance process ever.
Who needs coverage
This one is none debatable in my humble opinion, everyone that purchases any type of insurance policy is just an admission that they are not anything less than human, humans make mistakes and Windows mistakes are in construction they can be costly and that costly can cost the small contractor – that would be you. You may be a
Now, there are a lot of different types of contractors and you may be even a small remodeling company that has three or four of the above under your purview every day. What ever your situation is we will try in move forward as quickly and painlessly as possible.
I wrote this and this is my opinion and my opinion alone. No part of this website or blog roll offers any type of guarantee or warranty whatsoever for more information on the disclaimer please click here.
Thank you
Thank you for stopping by today we are truly grateful and thank you for doing so, regardless of who you choose to ultimately work with we just want to be sure that you do a couple of things that will actually benefit you greatly, one is you might want to check with the Texas Department of insurance to be sure the person you are working with is licensed with the state. Another is you may want to do this old-fashioned thing called shopping which opens up a whole another door to a whole another universe because the coverages can greatly very in general liability.