Super bowl weekend and the MONDAY

Dallas General Liability: Well, it’s the super bowl and all that goes with that: you know a lot of TV. It’s safe to say we have no danger of the Cowboy’s winning today so there is my take on the Super Bowl. Thank you for dropping by today, we are Grateful and if you need anything you can certainly get a quote, of if for some reason you need pricing for your company we will be glad to assist: Now, as for the quote we will need a few things that you will most likely know off the top of your head for your Dallas General liability Quote:
The basics
Basically, we will need information your company and you in particular. With that said there will be things that most every company will want to know and then if you like the pricing there will be more questions, again these normally don’t take a lot of homework i.e. you know if you have had a general liability loss in the past five years:
- Experience
- How long in business
- Loss History
- Labor cost
- What your company does
Now, sometimes you may have to fill out what is called a supplement, that is a pager sometimes two pages long that will break down your operation into tight categories such % of Drywall and the list goes on. This way the company has a better understanding of what you company does and how to charge for the exposure.
Enter the underwriter
Let’s just say that we have a nifty quote with all the endorsements inside said quote with a price that is fair and then comes the next question FROM THE UNDERWRITER: The underwriter is going to go all over the web and look for things: such as business that you may have been involved in and the dreaded WEB-SITE.
Web Site
Now, regardless of what reality may be, your web-site is going to trump what we need say. If for some reason you web-site say’s you are a home builder then guess what….we have a fair amount of explaining to do. Maybe you have an old web-site, regardless the underwriter has found said web site and off we go. Now, there have been times that companies have actually added premium to policies to cover exposures. The list goes on about a “Found” web site and what can go wrong. And again, regardless of the situation of how your neighbor is insured and you put this type of work on your site JUST IN CASE. I understand, yet that is not what we told the company on the Dallas General Liability Insurance application.
The Pricing
The pricing will unusually not change in the end if all is was correct on the application, that is not 100 percent of the time but for the most part this is true. Normally there is a down payment and payments to be made over the course of the coverage: *Monthly installments.
I wrote this myself, this is my opinion – the information on this website blog roll should be used for informational purposes only. This website/blog roll makes no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and is to be used only as entertainment purposes. Thank you for dropping by today and have a wonderful Super Bowl weekend