Hello Dallas on a Sunday, be blessed

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: Man it’s Sun-up for Sunday in a few hours: You know I enjoy the process of being in insurance because of the people. Although the situation is usually the same, that is my way of saying that the desire for the end result to be something like this: situation A – The contractor wants to start a new policy and has not been covered in a while and now want protection from the evil….well maybe it’s not evil that is manifesting, but it may certainly seem like when someone says you are responsible for a thirty thousand claim. Claim? Let’s talk about claim(s)
and your Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance.
Call this what you want: you can call this an accident – you could even call this a freak accident, regardless of what the title of the catalyst of “said” loss the reality remains the same. You and your company have been appointed responsible for a loss and in this make-believe story “our” loss will be $30,000. Again regardless of how the lost manifested this is where we go into the part about coverage and who is going to pay this $30,000. Let’s take a look at one make-believe scenario yet could really happen.
With no regardless
Most likely, an insurance company (not the person who sold you the coverage, but the company itself think “Geico”) is going to assign the blame to the subcontractor and the person who had the authority/economy to put this person on to the job site as a subcontractor. Our make-believe scenario has our (enter the name of your company here) contractor hiring a subcontractor and there has been a $30,000 loss. You’re going to find out quickly most likely that no one’s going to care about your opinion of your not responsible because…..
- This is Subcontractor
- You say he does not work for you
- You were not even there
- ”They” have insurance
- ”They” are not your company
actually the above is pretty common, the common belief at large in the contractor community of the small contractor is under the opinion that when they hire someone – inter-subcontractors name here – and they are paid a wage yet are an end to pin to subcontractor, they are responsible for any loss. Here is the actuality that may come very true, you could end up both being responsible. Now we don’t have a crystal ball but it is likely if you have more assets then the party that is looking for recovery of funds – they may be looking right at you.
It get’s worse
Most likely, when an insurance company pays a claim (remember our claim is 30,000) they have paid on the by half of someone. In other words the insurance company did not pay this on the by half of someone and then just chalked it up to experience. The insurance company more than likely has a clause in their policy language that says transfer of rights – this transfer means they have the right to recover their losses – think $30,000 – in that may come looking at you (enter your contractors company name here) now we are going to go over your Dallas contractors general liability insurance and subcontractors in our very next post. That will probably be coming out tonight – enjoy your Sunday have a day blessed by God and we truly thank you for your time today all of us from labor force insurance want to say thank you.