Hello Dallas Insurance

Dallas General Liability, Hello! We are happy to be here and hope all is well with you and your family.
Now, to understand general liability is best served in front of an Texas Insurance agent for your coverage
however, here is a start. CGL Commercial general liability is for the contractor that works on anything, that has anyone one come by the jobsite or works anywhere there is exposure. In other words it’s for you and every contractor. One of the reasons you want coverage for your GL is because you can be named in a lawsuit. The truth be known sometimes you had nothing to do with the situation, you may have not been involved in the loss at all.
Never said it was fair
Yes, you can be named in a law suit that has nothing to do with your company, meaning that
you were not involved in the satiation what-so-ever. Does this happen:
Does this happen often: NO, yet the reality that you could happen is still real and hopefully we can help you navigate though the different types of exposures that relate your business. We will be going over class codes and how you operate under your general liability. WE will be going over a lot in 2015 and there will some question that just don’t have a good answer and that is something that we will go over in a post dedicated to the more murky parts of the General Liability. Now in general we will talk about
Dallas General liability
Here is a general overview of general liability: This is a third Party coverage. Example: You are moving a desk: you drop the desk and cause 25,000 Dollars in damage. In short is: The damaga that was caused by moving the desk is covered: The desk of which was in your “Care – Custody – Control” will not be covered by your General Liability.
Just Know we are just getting started
That is an interesting coverage, the coverage’s are broad and yet you are defined by class codes. One glaring example is this: A carpenter is not a plumber and a plumber is not a carpenter. In other words you need an agent that understands class codes: “If you put your business in the WRONG class code then you could have a problem if you have a claim.” There are a lot of good agents so get one.
Agents: are not all created equal
A professional is what you need for the protection of your assets, because not every NASCAR driver, NFL quarterback is rated the same. Some win more than others: are the better? Well, insurance is NOT supposed to be a full contact sport, yet have a $ 200,000 dollar calim and see if you think that are not full contact.
Now, this is my blog, no one writer on this bolg but me and this is my Soul opinion. This blog does not adjust your policy what-so-ever. This is generate question so you can ask a licensed Texas Insurance Agent. I/we this blog makes no Guarantee or warranties on anything what-so-ever. Thank you and have a blessed day.