Almost 2015

Dallas General Liability: Well it almost over and then good intentions begin. Maybe it’s just a mental note or possibly something that you write down – and of course we are talking about 2015 and New Year’s resolutions. Yet, it’s very logical to think that one might agree of this: to be better prepared for the fiscal portion of 2015, that’s just logically a good idea. We might be able to help in the area of fiscal because we are situated ourselves in a particular position to write certain policies for particular profiles (think labor force) in the arena of our expertise. No one is an expert, no one knows it all, yet we must say that experience has its advantages.
Experience matters
As an example of how we are different we don’t do certain types of exposures, an example of this is we do not do pad site preparation, excavation or do we do all write coverage for trenching. We are going to be much better suited for your heat and air-conditioning (HVAC), electricians and small firms that remodel homes with less than $3 million dollars in gross sales. It is not very often that you will hear someone say – “we do not do that”. For larger companies which we do not reach out to or solicit to we will be happy to direct them to different agencies in Dallas-Fort Worth. We are more of a particular kind of shop that works with the – “blue-collar worker”.
Yes, we are not for everyone
Working in the industry is our pleasure and it is our duty to know a little more about the area that we do work with therein our area has been reduced. We, in general work with trucking and small contractor’s and that is the total summation of our field of influence.
And what difference does any of this make?
Now, as you might think this makes little difference to you and from the overall view you would be correct, however there are several agencies and say they do it all wall-to-wall. Some of the larger agencies absolutely have different people of different expertise. We are smaller. We are not them and find ourselves better suited for the electricians the HVAC and the small remodeling company.
Dallas General Liability
Now, we look forward to meeting you in person in 2015 when we open our doors, we will be doing business throughout Texas get mainly Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Waco and Austin. As for other things that you will need for coverage such as:
- Life
- Health
- Annuities.
- Employee benefits.
Key man life insurance for partnerships.
WE work with a company that specializes in the above and have some 75 years experience between three people.
Now; here is the part that’s the most uncomfortable and actually ridiculous but hello world it’s 2014 almost 2015. This is my blog – therefore it is one person’s opinion – I, this blog and anyone and anything that pertains to this blog makes no guarantee or warranty on anything whatsoever. We hope we have pushed you in the direction where you make a better list of questions. This is not change anything on your current policy and is not meant to in any way by any design. Always work with a licensed agent that has been granted that licensed by the state that you are in. Have a blessed day and thank you for your time