Anatomy of a quote

Dallas general Liability insurance, contractors: WE will be very friendly, make your interaction with our agent(s) more human-like, less mechanical and more efficient. Our motto is really really simple: “you cannot stay in business giving all of “your” money to your insurance agent. That is not to say that we are not a for profit company it is to say that we try and work with the very edge of technology making things go a little faster meanwhile trying to work a volume of business with the small contractor in America. Now, today being Saturday, we would like to talk about the Dallas General Liability Insurance Quote Process.
How “Quote” thing starts
We call (no kidding) in the vicinity of 75,000 people a year. Now of this obviously a much smaller proportion answers the phone and how ludicrous would it to be to say that we talk to 75,000 people a year? So, let’s break down a quote and how it really works in the real world. The first part is fast, very fast. To get a quote all we will need is a small amount of information.
- Owners Name/Corporation name
- What do your company do i.e. electrician, drywall contractor…
- Address: Street, city, State and Zip Code
- Labor Cost outside of owners
- DO NOT Include clerical or administration
Now, quickly we will have your quote to you by way of facsimile, email or we can send it by regular mail and that is by far are very less choice. Now please note that this is an indication the accuracy will depend on the following information.
Now, stereotypically speaking people in general are not going to click through the website. The public at large that are contractors may watch one video and they may read half of one article all the way to three. So we will say this probably 60 or 70 times throughout the year to keep it fresh at the top. Mr. or Ms. contractor you need to really think about your……
Your website is your digital business card that puts a real world view of what your company does. This happens more often than what I even want to think about – contractors normally no other contractors and there’s a whole world of business out there known as “sub – contracting” so there are a couple of things here. Your subcontractors whether we – you – I – anyone: likes this are not, you are ultimately going to be responsible for the liability of their actions and or negligence why on-the-job because you Mr. contractor hired them. Hey! I don’t make the rules, I just try and help so please as the kids say don’t give me the evil eye.
Maybe not: But could happen
You had a good year, and you are working doing an indoor remodeling job and someone asked you if you can do the wiring on the office building down the street. Because you work with some electricians you say yes and you do a thing called – paper contractor – and when you do this you are responsible for any negligence that is caused on-the-job by the electrician you sent to do the work. Electrician shows up everything is perfect then…… electrical fire breaks out as well as a very high volume of voices. Okay: not good: and guess what:
Behind door # 1 – SOMEONE is going to pay
The above statement is not meant to be metaphorical, it’s a reality of building is in flames and someone needs to start paying for repairs. Here is what you do not want to do – this is not the time to start talking about their insurance. This is not the time to be sure that they are licensed through the state you work in. This is not the time to find out that no company (think insurance) is going to cover this loss. All the sudden your good year is looking really lousy.
You need to know
Now, the above make-believe’s scenario can be a reality that is all too nightmarish in true if you do not do have a system set up to verify certificates and get the proper wording such as – your company named as additional insured with a waiver of subrogation. This is something will go over and another blog it will end up being a hybrid of certificates and paper contractors. You might want to think before you put someone on-the-job without having their certificate of insurance sent to you and verified before they start the work. This may seem like common sense yet it is slightly more complicated takes a few more steps on your your in, yet this might save you a large sum of money. Thank you for dropping by today labor force insurance and we hope someday we will talk to in person about your Dallas general liability Insurance.
Now the above and everything on this blog/website is one person’s opinion. This is my opinion and is to be used is information and entertainment purposes only. We offer I offer this blog offers no guarantee or warranty whatsoever. If for some reason you want more information on our disclaimer please click the word *Disclaimer Here*. God Bless have a great year.