And then it was FRIDAY

Dallas General Liability insurance: We are here to help and answer your questions and help navigate you though the waters that at times might be just wild. If you are new to the insurance part of world welcome and we will help. NO matter whom you use as you agency or agency you might want to do the following. Make sure that they have your best interest as their foremost concern. That is not a hard task and here is our take on it: you (Contractor at large) CANNOT stay in business giving all you money to the insurance agent. We are for the small contractor meaning a company that has a total gross sales of Three million ($ 3,000,000) or less. Dallas General Liability Insurance:
Start HERE
First thing you want is the “Quote”: this can be greatly misinterpreted because A quote does not a policy make. Here is a small example: you give the information over the phone and seems just swell, you will want to start with:
- Labor Cost
- Exposures: What you do?
- Experience
- Losses?
- Name of Company
- here is more but you get the picture: now back to the part about quote vs. actual cost of policy. Well because of the internet, please allow me to make everyone aware: Your name, address, phone number, fein ect. Are going to undergo an investigation.
Information Age
Here we go: If you have owned a company before you need to tell the agent, of you have ANY OTHER company you need to tell the agent. If you have a prior claim you need to tell the agent. In other words if there is something that you don’t tell the agent and this comes to light later then….well it won’t be good and won’t be good maybe the best thing that you hear.
Well and there is us
We have been doing Contractors insurance for 12 years: and let me tell you more has changed in the last three years because of the internet. Now: You need to work with an agent that understands you needs and this may or may not be the person that sold you your home insurance: there is a big difference between the two. Just like most things: there are people that are better at things than others; think NASCAR, NFL,NBA they all that their stars and play makers. So, one agent may not fit all your needs.
You need to go fast, we know that so the part of the “Quote” is fast we are real fast when it comes to the quote: because in the contracting world time may not be money but wasting time won’t happen here and it can make you broke. Dallas General liability insurance.
This is one persons opinion mine. This information found here is for educational and informational purposes only. I offer no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever. Have a blessed day and thank you for dropping buy.