Benbrook TEXAS Our new office is open on the 17th

Dallas Contractors insurance General liability, good afternoon Dallas right here right now on a Thursday. And a lot of people in our great city take time off to have lunch – for me in may be just me, I take time to post some information that might be useful to you as someone who has joined the American landscape as an entrepreneur/contractor. The small contractor sometimes has a little bit harder time placing their general liability, the reason may be that a lot of companies will not write the policy unless the commission structure places them in a category of what they consider profitability. The smaller contractor is definitively and definitely our market and we will do everything we can to play she with a company that may be best for you and our Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Well now…
We, are not for everybody – we fall into a category that is less traveled then a lot of the larger agencies, it does not make them better it just makes us different. If you are a one-man company up to a company that grosses some $3 million we are probably a good fit for you. Although, to say one size fits all the best for everyone is a pretty shallow and most likely an incredibly inaccurate statement. You may need different kinds of coverage’s for different kinds of contractors i.e.
- General Contractor
- Handyman?
- Remodeler
- Concrete Contractor
- Clearing of land
There is a whole host of exposures/type of contractors – that are not listed in the pre-mentioned and like anyone we do not proclaim to be any kind of perfect, yet we can say that normally we can play she with a company and remember this: “YOU cannot stay in business most likely giving all of your money to the insurance companies.” There is a difference between companies and agents, my personal opinion is that a contractor is going to want to work with someone who has experience. For me I was licensed in 2004 in January meaning I have been licensed for around 11 years and have been in the insurance industries since 1997.
For me it was a little bit different – I have never been in the personal lines part of the industry – that would be your home and auto for your personal use. That is not common but it does happen as I am a living example.
WE encourage people to go out and get more than one quote for their construction company, you will find out real fast to his contacting you back, who is staying on top of your quote and putting you first and their commissions second. So, we may be the only quote you get but we advise you that could be very prudent for you to step out and get some others, we hope that statement is refreshing and believe it is something that you don’t hear every day.
WE are here
We are here for the small contractor, yes we work with another company for your auto and home and these guys between them (and they are young) have over 30 years experience and neither one of them are even 40.
And another thing
For the larger contractor we work with the company that specializes in their/your needs, the larger contractor is going to have some particular requirements that a lot of the small guys do not have and if they have them – it may be hard to achieve because in A+ 15 company usually cost more that is a standard admitted company for your Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Now, we hope you are having a fabulous day and if for any reason you have a question you can certainly call us and we will answer to the best of our ability. And we didn’t forget and we tried never in forget to say – thank you – you can always go to the top right hand corner and click quote and please remember that are Benbrook office will be opening on the 20th of this very month. If you need any extra information on our disclaimer please click here. I wrote this this afternoon it 1:41 PM and I enjoyed it however this is my personal opinion and my opinion only and nothing else. This information is to be used as entertainment and informational purposes only. Don’t make your decisions based on information here because we have not read every policy – do not know your policy language – and remember insurance changes at the speed of Internet and that is very very fast. If for some reason we can be of help we want to be but we cannot be responsible for what someone might do there in – we offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever – ever. This website has never and will never on any blog roll or any part whatsoever offer a guarantee or warranty.
That all for now Folks
It’s been great day so far – and I will be working until about midnight or 1 AM. If for any reason I can be of help remember go to the top right hand corner and click quote – all of our phone numbers will be listed on this website henceforth and forever more starting on the 20th. Again thank you for dropping by have a blessed day and email us at any time.