Call if you need us for anything

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability 972-217-8907 – it’s Tuesday a brand-new day right here in Dallas and we are here to help in every way we can. You may have a question in general on contractors insurance or you may have a specific question that concerns commercial auto. We will be here every day from early until late in other words 7 AM until 6 PM Monday through Friday and our phones are answered on Saturday till 1 PM. Also, we do want to thank you for coming by today to our very small web-based liability shop. If you have a question or want to quote on Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability just call the number above or click the purple button to the right that is the color purple.
Ok, now what
We are here for the small contractor, and other words we don’t have any large clients meaning contractors with a run over 1.5 million and probably never will. Normally, we can have you a quote in a few minutes now do realize there is underwriting that will have to be executed to find in be sure that your quote will stay in place. If there is found out there is some kind of concealment meaning you do a particular kind of job the insurance company may execute a possible right to cancel the policy. In other words if you have something on your website that you did not reveal to the agent and is caught by the underwriter then there could be a problem. Your insurance may need to supply a certificate with things such as…
Without reservation we will say that this list here is certainly not exhaustive, yet you get the idea that there are going to be different things on your policy that you may want to be aware of, because maybe what you don’t know can hurt your fiscal situation. Now, we are not reporting that we know more than anyone else or saying that “GL” is going to be a force field making you impervious to all types of negligence and loss. No, no such thing here yet you may find it prudent to use an agency that has experience in the field of Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
We will do all that we can to have your certificate of insurance to your client within three hours of when you call, normally if you call before noon your company will have this proof of insurance the same day and if you call late in the day your client or certificate holder will have your proof of coverage by the next morning.
I wrote this myself and this is my personal opinion and nothing else. This information is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I/this website/blog – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever ever. If you have a question on our disclaimer go here – or call us or email us at your convenience. In God we trust have a great day