Can we talk Dallas, as in right now?

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: Hello Dallas it’s mid week, middle of the month and for most it’s time to get right in the middle of setting the budget for this year or just looking around because you may be of the opinion that you are paying more that what is fair for you and your company. This is not always the case, however there is “NO” reason not to look and be sure that your company is running as efficiently as possible. We are here, right here in North Texas, and will do everything to be fast and efficient for you and your company. While today being Wednesday so we know there’s no time to waste while talking about Dallas contractors general liability insurance.
What part of the process…
You may just want pricing to compare, there is the possibility that you are rebooting your company, that you are an experience contractor and it is time to hang out a shingle and go back into the “always” uncharted waters of the independent, general or subcontractor here in North Texas. You may be coming into the independent side of the business after being at employee in this same industry for some time. If you are new to this game, if you’re an old salt just starting over or just looking to see what the competition is paying – welcome, we are here want to help and yet have one kind of strange thing to say
You may be where you need to be
I was at a seminar some decade ago and the man upfront, the one with a microphone in his hand made the following statement “never send your potential client to the competition” although, I do not want to send anyone anywhere – I am looking for a relationship not another client. The point day (I think) they were trying to make was: in doing a policy review you may be surprise that: – the agent and company you are with now – may be the best for you. Changing companies sometimes is very positive and makes your company more efficient and just flat out better for the bottom line. Yet, that is not always true and because I’ve never known anything to be true 100 hundred percent of the time – then you may be right where you need to be right now. We are very glad you’re here yet we are not going to do anything that would disrupt the running of your company. Now there are different kinds of coverages,
- Workers’ compensation
- Dallas general liability insurance
- Commercial Auto
- Property Coverage
- BPP-business personal property
Now, this list is not exhaustive by any stretch of the imagination – yet it shows you a real good starting point. Now obviously we can’t go over everything in one blog or one post yet we come here every day and talk about things from “COI’S” certificate of insurance, to the special “wording” – of these insurance certificates. Of course we talk about – Dallas contractors general liability insurance and well writing are over 300 blogs this year, we will try to go over most things that you will come across in terms of coverage and protection that you may be asked for or just need to protect your assets.
This was written by me, and this is my personal opinion – the information on this blog post in this entire website is for information and entertainment purposes only. We make absolutely positively no guarantee or warranty whatsoever. If you have a question concerning or want more information on our disclaimer please click here.
Let’s talk
There information here is very generic; what we want to accomplish will never be accomplished and an article or anything that we will ever put on this website. Our mission and passion in life is going to be to speak to the contractors here throughout all of Texas in person. We will do all we can to help and be a part of your profitability – piloted by humans means were going to have errors and were never going to be anywhere close to perfect. I go to church every Sunday, they tell me about this man that walked on water and I know for a fact – that’s not me but I can do all I can to be as good as I can and go forward in this year – 2015 to be available and move as efficiently as possible for those that allow me the privilege to work for them.
Thank You again
Sometimes, we get involved in wrapped up in our day to day operation of working and running labor force insurance. The reality is that we do nothing absolutely nothing without the man who works with his hands and gets involved in building things here in Texas and our great country. That being said we always want to be grateful, say thank you and thank you for keeping the spirit of America alive. We know that moving fast as part of the landscape of American out – but it doesn’t mean we can’t take 30 or 40 words to say – “hello, Texan hope you’re having a great day hope you and your family are well and thank you for stopping by our small little liability shop here in Texas – Sir – God bless you and your family and again thank you. That is all for today on Dallas General Liability Insurance Quote