Careful out there Dallas

Dallas Contractors Insurance: Now, for us guy with some age (some call it wisdom) and the although I am not claiming any share of wisdom I will simply bow out and let the debate continued that age equates to wisdom. It 6:04 AM this beautiful morning right here in Dallas-Fort Worth, today I’m about a mile and a half from Benbrook Texas where we are opening our new office on April 17. I don’t know where you go to get cooperation from the weather, however I would like to find that location because currently we are getting none. In this office you can see us live and in person yet still most of our business will be done over the web. Dallas Contractors general liability insurance.
The independent contractor
The small contractor has a harder time finding the right coverage because just like larger entities (think Walmart) there are some disadvantages to being smaller also there are some advantages, most things we negotiate with doing life has pros and cons, for right now let’s talk about the pros – because that is why we are here we are here for the small contractor. As a smaller contractor meaning running less than 3 million, yet most of our guys are one to three-man teams. A lot of agencies will not take on your case (meaning insurance) because there is not enough profit attached to the lower premiums.
That is why we are here
Now, we currently have worked with guys that are literally one-man shows, a lot of times this person has been working alone for a long time and it is not impossible to think that this person is sometimes contractor does a subcontractor. Now, we will be going over the general contractor soon enough, however let’s take one moment to define a general contractor right here in right now. If you are a small contractor and hires subcontractors 100% meaning you do not have any W-2 employees. As odd is this may sound you are a GC and you definitely might want to look at Dallas contractors general liability insurance protection.
There are all kinds
There are all kinds of contractors and hybrid contractors within one company here are a few examples. For the sake of conversation and please remember all of this is hypothetical we are not speaking of anyone in particular therefore we must remind you this falls into the (make-believe); say that there is a company that does a lot of carpentry and also does concrete work, although maybe not common it’s not impossible and who are we to say what anyone should do anyway. Or Maybe:…
- Electrician
- Framer
- Concrete contractor
- Handyman
- Flooring Contractor
- HVAC *Heat & Air
You might be on the list above or you may have a different set of skills that are particular to the construction industry and not listed above, which is our way of saying that list is a long ways from being exhaustive and there are many more to go. Now, you don’t need us to take it as it is cold outside the roads are treacherous will be posting more today on the different kinds of contractors and coverage.
I wrote this myself, and this is my opinion and no one else’s. Maybe you have generated a question for your licensed insurance agent in the state of Texas and maybe not. This is for information and entertainment purposes only – this is not meant to be your guideline for purchasing insurance – this website blog roll and everything here at this address offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. If you wish more information on our disclaimer please click here.