Contractors, Dallas We are here to help

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability – well, the weather for me is good – meaning were going to stop the triple digit heat or at least that is what the weatherman says. It is Saturday thank you for coming by our small cyber shop here in North Texas and contractors if there is anything I can do today just call. This next week we’re going to go over three different points. The relationship of the subcontractor and how that relates to your current coverage and codes also, how we may need to look at your contracts before you buy any type of coverage at all concerning your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
Hey, sometimes things just seem unfair, yet for me things are sometimes perpetuated into the unfair column and helped with a push. One example of such an atrocity is this: on more than one occasion I have been told that the following was true – although I cannot prove it I’m going to say that I believe the people who told me. The following is a recount I got on a few occasions so it’s not necessarily true yet, I understand how this could really make someone have a real bad day. A contractor is given a contract to do a small job here in North Texas. The same contractor buys a policy with a very simple certificate and goes to work for the company that they signed the contract with and all is well. Then suddenly all is not so well when they finished the job and they hear these words – you do not have the endorsements on your certificate. Inside of the contract they may have been asking for things such as
Endorsements, can truly turn a good day into one that is quite sour when you find out that you may have to jump through a lot of hoops and you may have to pay some large dollars to have particular kinds of endorsements added to your “COI” – certificate of insurance and I am not saying that this can happen, yet you might want to take the prudent route and send the contract to these insurance agent and make sure that you’re not getting into something that would actually cost you money as opposed to making you money. Also, you may find that certain endorsements cannot be put on certain insurance policies for your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
There certain types of endorsements that some companies will not put on their policy also, some of these endorsements have to have proof of things such as a copy of your contract that you are doing the work for with the certificate request on the contract. Now, this is no more than the made up scenario there’s a million different ways I guess for this contractual agreement and how you need to adhere to it to work itself out.
I wrote this myself this Saturday morning and this is my personal opinion – this blog is one person’s personal opinion and nothing more. This blog/website/myself – offers no warranty or guarantee on this page or any page of this cyber site. All of the information enclosed on this website is for informational and entertainment purposes only. If you wish to have more information on our disclaimer go here.