Contractors Insurance Dallas, General Liability

Dallas – 972-217-8907 Today, being Saturday means that I will keep this pretty short, yet if for any reason you have a question please feel free to call us we will be answering our phones today until 1 o’clock. For the contractor here in Dallas sometimes things can get a little confusing and the confusion may be accelerated by how much information is on the web. Understanding, that a lot of this information is actually correct yet it is written for one particular policy and that policies underlying language can make things seem different from the last article that you may have read because the articles are talking about two different policies that essentially are in theory going to do the same job. Dallas contractors insurance, general liability…… Let’s talk.
Here is an example
There is an example right here that will make some kind of logic to you: there can be policies that have a general code for me remodeling. This code depending upon which policy the remodeling code is on could have different inclusions and exclusions. One policy may have coverage for plumbing while the Next policy may have that same plumbing excluded. Now, there is a such thing as a standard admitted carrier and what is called a nonstandard company and that is another blog post for another day.
Still talking about coverage’s
It is not impossible that the reality is that you might want to go over the codes that are on your policy with a licensed Texas insurance agent to see what is and is not covered and that statement is somewhat of a blanket so remember that it is possible that policies are different and have different exclusions.
You may be one of the following…
- Roofing Contractor
- Excavator
- Plumbing contractor
- Concrete foundation contractor
- Exterior painter
- Handyman
- Remodeler
The list can go on and go on for a while yet to be prudent you may want to think about nothing is perfect and you and your company is not going to be impervious or sanitized from the evil of the world about us. A policy may help someone endure the pain of a claim get I have to say I don’t think anyone knows it all and there was only one who walked on water. This is my way of saying, slow down take your time go over your policy with your agent that could possibly be a help in the future concerning your Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
We are here
The world has changed, I certainly do not know the percentage of drivers who have Geico as their agency or company, yet if I had to guess it would be in the millions of people who have never met their agent. There is not only one company is singular about their ability to meet and greet over the phone and the World Wide Web and sell policies to the public at large without ever having a face to face or meeting the person they are selling to in person. This is the world we have become to understand. Now, I am not advocating that you do not need to know your agent, yet I am saying that we sell throughout Texas and sometimes have sold policies and not met the people. This “not meeting the people” is vastly different from how I grew up and these transactions were unfathomable when I was young, yet times change and so do the business models available to us here in America.
I wrote this today and this is my opinion and nothing else. This blog/website/article/myself included – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. This article is for entertainment purposes only and remember it’s probably the best idea to meet with a licensed insurance agent of the state of Texas to go over your questions. If you have a question whatsoever about this disclaimer please go here
You would not be the first person to ask if you are a licensed insurance agent in the state of Texas, then why do you need a disclaimer? And here is my answer and please take it for what it is worth. There are standard and nonstandard companies there are policies that I can’t even write because I will never be able to get that particular company. Policies can have their own language and some policies have exclusions and inclusions that are maybe different from another policy. Some may offer a remodeling code some may want you to list each different code “maybe” and it’s possible that the underwriting questions are different for different companies. So, I don’t know what you have and cannot talk about it specifically therefore everything here is for entertainment purposes only.