Coverage’s in general

Dallas Contractors insurance general liability 972-217-8907, we are here every day and we do want to help. You can all or you can click and we will have your quote to you really fast. Talking in person over the phone we will usually have you a quote right there on the spot. We thank you for dropping by today, we know that you have a lot of choices in cyber space so we do want to say thank you for dropping by today. A lot of people say that the backbone of contracting is the Dallas contractor’s insurance general liability.
One thing you might take into consideration is the limits and deductibles here is a case in point. I read online of a insurance product that had a tools endorsement on their policy. This tools endorsement was in the broad stroke looking like a pretty cool addition to the policy. Yet, the limit was $ 5,000 total. Ok, does not seem so bad and then with further inspection I read that there was a deductible of $ 1,000 dollars and a limit to any one item of $ 1,500 dollars. In plain English this would go something like this. A tool is stolen. The ACV actual cash value is $ 2,000 the deductible is $ 1,000 and the limit is $ 1,5000 so the payout would be $ 500.00 because the limit was reached at $ 1,5000. So this coverage is a lot better than nothing yet it’s maybe a lot different than you one might think. Back to Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
You might want to ask your agent how your subcontractors are covered, because it is not impossible that you have policy that does not cover subcontractors. This is NOT to say that you don’t yet it may be prudent to check with your agent to be sure that all is well in the world of subcontractor coverage. And if you just want a Quote click here.
Hurt on the Job
Now, this can get a little confusing and Friday we are doing a blog post on Workers’ Compensation for and break this down a little bit more. You need to go over with your agent what may be the exposures of workers compensation and who is at risk. And maybe what happens if there is a large claim. In other words what are you the hiring contractors responsible for when it comes to a claim if anything. This is something that you need to go over with an agent in my opinion. … you may have
There are a lot of different kinds under the construction umbrella, yet you still might hire a subcontractor. With that in mind you might want to go over what is covered and not covered with your agent.
Hope you have a blessed day. I wrote this myself and this is my opinion and no one else’s. I/this blog/this website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever. The above does not reflect your policy because we have never read your policy and cannot possibility know what the policy language says on your particular policy. For more information on our disclaimer click here. The person that sold you your policy you might want to ask them a question if your have a question on exposures or coverage’s. 972-217-8907