Dallas – Codes on your GL

Dallas Contractors Insurance/Dallas General Liability – Ok, here we are halfway through the week and ready to take your call, 972 217 8907 – to start with there are thousands of websites that belong to agencies and companies that would like to entice you to read their articles and blogs and maybe become part of their client family. In my personal opinion I really think that everyone wants to stand out being the red coat in the sea of black jackets, the one most noticed, the one most preferable. We may not be the red jacket. We are here for the blue-collar worker, the small contractor here in Dallas-Fort Worth in Texas in particular. We work with the smaller guy up to the man who has a company that runs around 1.5 million a year. Today were going to talk about code in Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
Codes, is normally under stood to be the identifying number that is tethered to a type of work. As a simple example roofing would have a code for residential roofing in a different code for commercial roofing. Now, some companies go by receipts (total gross run) and some companies go by payroll that you pay your subcontractors or your employee to determine the premium amount that is normally based on a calendar year. When, we give a quote and we will make up a number out of never never land – let’s say it is $1000 total including, pure premium, taxes and fees etc. That number the “thousand dollars” is for an annual policy. Now today we are talking about codes and later next week we will go into canceling a policy. Now codes are important for a lot of reasons let’s start with this, let’s say that you do not do any of the following work – remember that is you do not do any of this….
- Roofing
- Drywall
- Plumbing
- foundations/concrete
- Sprinkler Systems
Now, let’s go back to the terminology of the word “code” – let’s say that you hire a subcontractor to do roofing and roofing is not a code on your policy. Now, you may want to call your agent and ask that person what happens in case of a claim because you do not have roofing (a roofing exposure) on your policy. Also, some policies may exclude roofing altogether even on an incidental basis. Now, there is no way for me to go what is included and or excluded on your policy because obviously, I have not read it and do not know the policy language therein. So, the question is what happens is there is a claim on your general liability by a contractor or you were doing work that was not on your policy. Again let’s say you repair the roof, put in a sprinkler system, did plumbing or anything that had negligence involved and that code is not on your policy?….Now, we will pick up right here on codes tomorrow – Thursday – and start talking about what happens if… On your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
I wrote this morning on this Wednesday and this is my personal opinion and nothing else. In this entire website is the opinion of me and this is my personal opinion. This entire website and this blog in particular and myself offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. If you want more information on this disclaimer please go here or call me on my private line at 817 – 584 – 1015. This entire website and this blog in particular is for informational and entertainment purposes only.