Dallas Commercial Auto Insurance

Dallas Contractors Insurance, General liability 972-217-8907: We are here today “Saturday” if you need us just call and we will do all that we can to be of help and answer any question that you might have, we are here ever Saturday *well we won’t be here July 4th*, but you get the idea. This coming week we are going to go over all the things that might seem to be covered on your liability coverage that might not be and some of the thing that are covered such as bodily Injury. Dallas Contractors insurance, general liability.
Commercial Auto
Here are some things that you might want to think about when you have a car or truck on the road and you are using this as your vehicle for your commercial use. One thing to start with is do you have a “WRAP” one of those advertisements, one of those things that make your auto stand out in a crowd and declare you and your company are ready to tackle all the needs that a client might have. You most likely have seen these before. The are…
- Colorful
- Nice Graphics
- Are they covered
- Maybe your picture
- Hard to miss in a crowd
This type of advertisement may be the greatest marketing campaign ever, the cell might jump off the table it has so many rings, but we are not an advertising company we are here to help with insurance. The question that you might want to ask your agent is this. What happens in case of an accident is the “Wrap covered”? Will the wrap have a deductible and what about replacing this after the damage is done? Will this need to be part of a commercial auto policy. Need a quote Click here.
Things to think about
Now, I cannot tell you what will happen yet here is a good question you might want to know the answer to…What is your answer going to be when you are involved in a traffic accident and the questions is asked by a police officer where were you going. Now, in this story the bed of your truck is full of materials and you need to answer a question for the local police about where you were going? Do you think that if in the police report that your truck was full of building materials and this information made it’s way into the report this might cause a problem if you just carry personal auto. There are things you might want to ask an agent that has a license with the state of Texas that handles Commercial auto and Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Have a blessed weekend
Thank you for stopping by today, hope you have a wonderful weekend. There are a lot of choices here in the world of cyber space and your time is valuable, so we truly thank you for stopping by today especially on a Saturday.
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