Dallas Contractors and Monday, we are here

Dallas contractors Insurance general liability 972-217-8907 – Well hello Monday and welcome contractors of North Texas, hope you had a wonderful weekend with your family. Now, just as a reminder we are here on Saturday, meaning from 8:30 AM til 12PM we are ready to take your phone calls. Today being Monday, we understand that there is a lot of week and work ahead of you and your company so we will get to the point of today’s blog. If a claim is paid by a subcontractors company will/can that have an adverse effect on *your company name goes here*? Dallas contractors insurance general liability here we go.
It the that time
This is where we declare that we do not employ a crystal ball so we don’t know the future with that said let’s talk about the exposure that you may face in case of a claim. Now, this is not a real story yet it’s not impossible that this could happen to you and your company. A person that you have hired a subcontractor has a claim, in this story the claim is $ 50,000 and the claim is paid. That claim could be because of….
- Fire
- Paint over Spray
- Bodily injury to a third party
- Damage done to job site
- The list can go on
The list can go on and on but, you get the point, something went wrong. So, here is the first question you might ask your agent. What is transfer of rights and how does that effect your company. Does a company that paid a claim have the right to turn around and litigate against your company and you? Now, here we go to the wild blue….we can say that the possibility exist you could be have a law suite on your hands and that is zero fun in the world of Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Look at it this way
Now, lets say that own a car and drive every day, here is a question? Do you think that you will have an accident today? If not then you purchase insurance for the outside chance that you will, or might be involved in an accident? Is that a yes? So, you don’t plan to have a problem yet, you plot an escape course just in case called insurance. Ok, let’s take a look here.
Maybe, just maybe
You might want to ask your current agent about Waiver of subrogation and additional insured with you as the certificate holder on your insured subcontractors. This might go a long was in the way in helping you and your company in case of a claim of one of your insured contractors. Only you and you agent will know what is the best course of action. If you want a quote from us click here.
I wrote this myself today and this is my opinion and nothing else. I/this blog/website offer now warrantee or guarantee whatsoever and never will. 972-217-8907 If want more information on our disclaimer click here.