Dallas Contractors Insurance Quote

Dallas contractors Insurance general liability, 972-217-8907 here is it is Saturday and I hope all is well with you and your family and with the past weeks of rain and today Saturday June 13, 2015 here we are in the middle of a host of rain clouds. We are here Every week day from 8AM til 5:30 PM Monday – Friday and you can always reach us by phone on Saturday. We know your time is very valuable so let’s get started. Let’s start with the coverage limits and what they stand for in general. On your Dallas contractors general liability you will have the following in most cases.
On most policies you will have things that fall into different categories that may cover different parts of a risk. Just like you would not most likely file a claim on your homeowner’s policy if you had an accident in your car. As well you would not file a claim on your personal auto if you had a house fire. So there are different parts of most policies…
- General Aggregate
- Products/Completed Operations
- Each Occurrence
- Personal & Advertising injury
- Fire Damage Legal Liability
- Medical Payment Expense
Usually the above is what will be on your Dallas contractor’s insurance general liability policy. Now, I can not see your policy so you need to see your policy and ask your agent if there is an addition or one is missing.
Occurrence is where you may have that amount to spend on a claim, Let’s say you have a million dollars that is where you might create a question. Here is one you might want to ask you agent. The million dollars is that including legal for the claim. “
One size
One size fit’s all may not apply for your GL policy, meaning that there are standard admitted carriers and there are non-admitted carriers. Again you will need to ask your agent what the difference is yet, we will have articles on Admitted and non-admitted coming soon.
You may what to ask
How do you file a claim? Now, there is where things may vary differently between agencies and between different companies. In other words I have no way of knowing how your current agency handles their claims. Yet, you might want to ask how much the agent has to do with the claim process.
Ok, now premiums (how) much you pay is a very interesting part of the landscape of insurance. Here is an example that will make things worse in the hemisphere of your brain. Standard admitted carriers can just be cheaper sometimes, in other words, pay less get more. WE will have an article on “How much you pay” soon. Speaking of pay….Want a quote click here.
Have a blessed weekend and thank you for dropping our little cybershop here in Dallas. The above was written by me and this is my opinion and my opinion only. We/I/this website and blog offer no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever and never will. If you want more information on our disclaimer click here.