Dallas, Dallas God bless you thins Sunday.

Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General liability, 972-217-8907 good morning North Texas and Dallas eat is Sunday and I personally hope that you have had a fabulous weekend. I want to thank you for dropping by today “Sunday” – this has been a fabulous weekend and we as a company look forward to this next week and heading into the middle of July. Suspiciously, the weather has been for lack of a better for neck alert reasonable and some may think that is a strange thing to put on a website for our community and that what only mean you don’t come here every day, because we do exactly that. Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability let’s talk about this upcoming week.
We are here
We are here from 8 AM until 6 PM and that’s every day Monday through Friday and we answer the phones till 1 PM every Saturday. Today were going to talk about certificates and Monday were going to go back into our theme for the week, there is a lot to go over here today and even more when we pick up on her theme for this following week ofe are here
- Underwriting
- Websites
- Employees
- Codes
- Limits
- Per-occurrence
There is more than what is above, yet you get the general gist of where we are going this week. Now we get a lot of people that explain to us how they run their company. Although this is what were going to go over in a little bit more teaching style this following we, yet we do hear this a lot. I do not have employees I only have subcontractors and they are on their own. Well, I can’t tell you what they are and I cannot tell you what they “subcontractors” – are not. Yet there may be a conversation to be had if there is a claim. I believe it there and go back to our regularly scheduled program for Dallas Contractors insurance, contractors insurance Dallas
Now, there is a claim process and in the world of independence for the smaller agencies and smaller contractors there are things such as adjusters and then you get a nifty number called a claims number and at that point people start talking, pointing and explaining how this odd thing happened that usually comes under the name of claim.
Now, we don’t know this
We, cannot tell you exactly what is going to happen next yet we will believe that more than likely it is possible that all the things we have talked about this year such as: waivers of subrogation and additional insured’s and 30 day notices may come into the claim equation. All that is on this page we will be going over for the rest of the month in July, including the mysterious subcontractor and their relationship to your money.
Well, it is Sunday so we will keep this short and say thank you for dropping by today we sincerely appreciate it. Everything on this page was written by one person and that one person is “me” – and this is my opinion and nothing more. This website/blog/today’s article and everything on this website offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. You might want to understand this is for entertainment purposes only and nothing more. For more information on our disclaimer please click here.