Dallas General Liability Insurance

Dallas General Liability Insurance, It’s the weekend. Now you know as well as anyone the time of for the independent business owner of the contractor kind, well…..there is just not a lot of time off. Although this is the same at our office that opens at 8AM and we close @ 7:00 it’s just how things work. Now, there most likely the price of petrol will climb back up on the backs of the independent contractor we will do all we can to help cost in the department where we are stationed: The Dallas General Liability insurance part of the bottom line equation.
Now, how to save
Let’s just assume that your company does not want to use a company that has a narrow understanding opening for the exposures for the contractor at large; meaning someone that will sell you cheep and then maybe leave you deep in the @#%@ when an accident takes place. (Think Claim) now with that said let’s talk about money, you one of the major reasons that you go to work each day. Most of our guy’s out there building American and designing things for a living enjoy there field of expertise, they like what they do and do NOT want to pay more than necessary for Dallas General liability Insurance, at all.
How to save
One the way’s that you can save is have an agent that may be aggressive in finding companies that have lower rates and companies that have an understanding of what the true exposures are when it comes to contractors. That being said you will need to start your exploration with an agent and or agency that is accustomed to being part of the Contractors Landscape and understand their needs IF FOR NO OTHER reason….experience. So, you might want to find an agency that has a lot of experience in dealing with the Contractors sector of Dallas General Liability Insurance Landscape.
How to get started
You will want to start with questions: in other words you are interviewing the agency or agent at large.
You will want to know some things about their agency: remember that we work for you. Whomever you have placed your business with works for you.
The need to understand COI’S
Your agency will need to understand that you may have complex needs when it comes to Certificates of Insurance. This can make a big difference in how fluid your contracting company runs. Your agent, agency needs to understand:
- Waiver of Subrogation
- Per Project Aggregate
- Completed operations Endorsement
- Additional Insured
- Yes there are more
There is a long list of endorsements and that can be a major pain if you are place with a compay that does not offer some types of endorsements.
This for entrainment only and this web-site offers no warrantee nor guarantee what-so-ever.This was written by me and this is my personal opinion. For more on our disclaimer click here.
More to come
Now, here we go: there is a lot of information that belongs to the Certificate of insurance. And we want to be a part of the solution to your program.