Dallas GL

Dallas contractors insurance general liability 972-217-8907: we have “GL” and other coverage’s that you might need in the future such as inland marine and Workers’ Compensation, however today we are going to concentrate on the liability. Normally, the liability will come first because so many of the cities are asking for certificates of insurance meaning proof that you have coverage. This will usually come in the form of a certificate of insurance. Now, that is just the start there can be endorsements and should show that you have coverage, yet this may not mean that you are covered for everything on the job. Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Certificates of insurance
Certificates will have the limits of your coverage and the time frame to which the coverage is good. You might want to go over this with your agent understanding some of the different parts of your certificate and what may not be covered: Things such as…..
- Limits
- Aggregate
- Completed Operations
- Per Project
- Additional Insured
- Waiver or Subrogation
There is a lot of boxes and endorsements to go over so here this is just a small start this is something that you might want to go over with your agent. Now, there are other things that you might want to aware of – here is on that that might be very important.
Your type of coverage
Your insurance certificate is usually proof that you have coverage for your Dallas contractors insurance yet that does not mean that you have blanket coverage it might just mean that you have coverage that is on the policy that you and your company have purchased. Now, here we go into…
Codes are normally what indicates that you have coverage for a particular kind of work meaning if you have a code for painting you may NOT have coverage for structural steel. Oh! And it just keeps getting more complicated. There are codes that might not be with every company (yes, can be confusing) such as a remodeling code. That will encompass a lot of different kinds of codes. Again that is why we say that you might want to talk to a good agent. If you need a Dallas Contractors insurance quote go here.
I cannot tell you if the company that is offering you a policy allows subcontractors or not or “if” they have a threshold or a percentage of work that can be performed by a subcontractor. As an example: A company may only allow you to have subcontractors with insurance, some may not allow any at all and others a percentage. Not trying to be confusing just trying to point out the stuff that might be out there in the world of Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
I wrote this and this is my opinion nothing else. I/this blog/website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever. If you wish more information of our disclaimer click here. Have a blessed day Dallas and we will be on the phones til six today.