Dallas Insurance Agent

Dallas Contractors insurance general liability 972-217-8907, Hello contractors, hope all is well and that you are ready for the 4th of July, (we are within 15 day’s) Whoa!, where is the year going, I don’t know but, it’s getting there fast. If you need us and don’t have time to read right now just call the number above we are here at 8AM til Six every day. Now, today we are heading over the “maybe you want to ask this question” box. We will even answer a question that shows up a lot concerning Dallas Contractors Insurance general liability.
What you might want to ask of your agent
I guess you can never ask all the right questions but that does not mean you can’t try and we will try to help. Now, with that said I just don’t think that anyone can know everything. Yes, I know that is not exactly an original thought however we have to start somewhere. There are parts that I call the moving parts of the insurance industry; move they may not do in reality but let me ask you this. You get a bill for $ 100,000 because of a claim: “Are you moved?” You think you might make a phone call or two? Maybe just maybe an agent may get a call? Here is the part that is going to ring true in a lot of way’s…..
- Workers’ Compensation
- Contents Coverage
- Building Coverage
- Liability Coverage
- Commercial Auto
Let’s be real, there are other coverage’s and other exposures, that is true and the industry has changed a lot…. a whole lot in the past few years. Not, only have the cities have gotten into the game meaning some of the cities ask for an insurance certificate before you can pull your permit. Yea, that thing that you need so a city inspector will not shut your job down. Yes, as a young that may have happened to me on occasion.
That thing you love to hate
Well, I don’t know the person that yell’s “YES! Just what I wanted another bill, but not just any bill, it’s a bill from the insurance company. Yet, there is the other side and yes, we all know that it happens and we all just hope it does not happens to us. A claim that reaches into the six figures. Suddenly, the agent gets a call and what do you think the first question is?
Is this covered
Now, here is where our site does not go dark, but we do start talking in the most basic terms and start saying things like “well, it should but could maybe not.” We know that you want answers when something goes wrong. No one wants to tell you (your company) is not covered on this claim by your Dallas Contractors general liability policy.
I am not going to say it
Well maybe I will, ya know that you were in a hurry when you purchased the insurance, and at the time, were not concerned with these coverage’s, because you don’t plan on having a claim anyway. Sound like anyone your know. You could spend all day and still get have exposure but you might want to try and ask a few extra questions, may get some good guidance on what is covered and what is not covered. Maybe that is a good idea.
Yea, about that, well everyone knows that we a subcontractor is on their own and should have their own coverage. Regardless of what we may think should be true and what we think is true that is something that we as a people might have to deal with…..reality. Our opinion has little to do with what can happen in the midst of a claim. Our opinion is like tell the nice policy officer that the road is smooth therefore the posted speed limit is wrong. You, now that answer to this statement. Yes, tell it all to the judge.
The same is true when it comes to a claim that you maybe/or could be involved in with your company. Now, one of the things that you will need to understand is that there are different codes that cover different exposures. A painter has a code one that might be different from a painter that is exterior paint as opposed to interior paint as well there is a roofing code that is not the same as painting. You, get the picture. Hey! I have a grand idea how about a Dallas contractors insurance quote.
It just gets better
Now, there are codes that have codes inside of them such as a remodeling code might combined several kinds of codes. Now, with that said it may be important for you to know what is covered and not covered in other words….What codes you have vs. what codes you don’t have. Just sayen. There are a lot of codes on the Dallas contractors insurance general liability policy so you might want to know which ones are on our policy.
Yes, you might want a good agent
Every one may seem the same before its game time. In other words talking and doing those are two different things. Very different. There is the NFL the MLB and all kinds of sports that have players that win championship rings. Some don’t, maybe some quarter backs are better than others maybe some baseball players are better than others. In reality I am not here to debate the fact one way or another.
Here is the question
Would you and your company benefit from a good agent? I can’t tell but I will say this, it is possible that the lowest price is always is the best coverage? Sometimes the lower price may be the broader coverage yet, you might want a good agent that can tell you the difference between policies. Well it’s a thought anyway. Now, what about employees? There is a lot to go over but you might want to start with a Dallas General liability quote.
Hurt on the job
Now, if an employee is hurt on the job will you and your family assets be exposed? Well, back to that good agent, maybe you should ask, him or her about that exposure.
I wrote this and this is my opinion and nothing more. I/this blog/website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever and never will. This if for entertainment only and if you want more information on our disclaimer go here. Have a blessed day. 972-217-8907