Dallas, it Monday

Dallas general liability insurance, contractors: Hello Dallas and it’s just a time of joy because it’s Monday, January 26, 2015. What….no cheers for the Monday crowd: we are here and want to be of assistance to you at your convenience. Yet, if you are currently in business and have coverage’s in place on that business and want to get some comparison numbers we will be happy to help. What may happen is you are going to be surprised that you need to stay right where you are with the coverage is that you have in place and that your premium is just fine. Let’s talk about coverage’s and pricing on your Dallas general liability insurance.
It’s not going to be shocking that the small contractor does not carry workers compensation and on the other end of the spectrum it will not be shocking that you do carry this coverage. The certificate of insurance for your general contractor and the endorsements on your COI is going to vary between contractors. Something that you might want to be well aware of is that the larger the company that you work for the harder it is to satisfy that company with their certificates of insurance. There are a laundry list of endorsements but let’s talk about just the basics here.
The basic endorsement package normally or may go something like this – on an accord form you will be asked for the general contractor to be the certificate holder and that same contractor named as additional insured with waiver of subrogation. Now that is just as basic as it can possibly be and there can be a rather egregious list to follow. One is completed operations: now I’m not going into definitions here of what that means were talking price – normally this is going to be a charge that as above and beyond i.e. you will have to pay ***Example only here*** and endorsement fee of $ 250.00 before the certificate is issued. Yes, Dallas General liability insurance can get costly. Him
It can be much worse
Now, you need to know that not every company will comply with all of your endorsement request. And endorsement literally changes the policy language of the policy – not every company is going to do that and they a lot of times that is reflected in the cost of the product itself. Translation to simple English – sometimes a contractor can find themselves in a situation where and endorsement is not offered because they do not allow your policy language to be changed in that manner.
- Waiver of subrogation
- Additional Insured
- Non Contributory waiver of subrogation
- Per Project aggregate
- Excess Limits
Yet, the policy was less expensive in the beginning and yes it can happen you may have to cancel that policy and rewrite somewhere else if you are going to do a job that has endorsement requirements your current company can not adhere to.
You may be a small contractor in never run into these types of situations, and sometimes you just want to call in the find out what the cost will be to add these types of endorsements to see if the job makes physical sense. This is where things start to change: the pricing of your endorsements can be high and make the job that was once very appealing start to fall into the red zone. No way for me to know sitting here but I can say will be glad to get the pricing for you.
Pricing may vary from company to company, meaning some may cost more than others, yet you absolutely positively want to be sure that you have gotten all of the pricing down to the penny before you take a job and it cost you money to go to work. I don’t think that is ever the plan. Now, no one here knows you your situation or the certificate holder nor how much work they will be offering you in the future, we just want to be prudent and be sure that we put you in the best fiscal situation we possibly can.
You need to know thins
Now, you’re going to have to think about this one for a minute – if you have an endorsement that cost you $250 and your policy is going to expire in 30 days… Guess what? Your new certificates because your policy has come to its termination because it became renewal time is going to charge you for the endorsements again. Fair or unfair that is basically how this works. I am not saying there is not an exception to the rule, yet I have not seen it but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Time of the endorsement: when you have an endorsement on a policy with a certificate holder that endorsement is good for the term of the policy. Generally speaking when you have an additional insured or a waiver of subrogation these endorsements will most likely be good into the renewal date or term date of your policy.
Hello: I do hope that you are having the very best day, thank you for coming to our very small cyber shop parked in a little corner in Dallas on the web. I wrote this myself and this is my opinion and my opinion only, I offer no guarantee or warranty whatsoever and this information should be used as entertainment and informational purposes only.
We can put your policy in place today if you need it really fast or you may be in a situation where you’re wanting to get pricing from a couple of different people. Regardless; of why we are glad to be of any kind of assistance to you whatsoever. If you just have a question or if there is a way we can be of assistance to you just call our Click there for Quote for your Dallas general liability insurance.