Dallas….need we say more

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: There are a lot of good Agents here is North Texas, and there are some that we…..Let’s just say that you want A good agent and like NASCAR and most all pro-Sports there is a difference in performance. Now, understanding that we as people here in the USA are judged by our accomplishments in the Pro sport’s world, in other words our performance is measured by success. Now, our performance as agents here in North Texas working all of Texas is absolutely different and the same at the same time. We are judged on our speed and ability to answer your questions and of course your premiums (how much you pay) is always Paramount to the person who’s paying the bills. If it’s okay with you, this afternoon let’s talk about Dallas contractors general liability insurance in general.
The quote Derby
How, fast can we quote, well the quote process goes really really fast: meaning, normally if you’re a standard contractor – someone who does fall into the more normal class codes, then the quote process is going to go fast as in – somewhere around five minutes. The questions are usually going to remain the same for most of the different types of contractors here in North Texas such as:
There are many and quoting fast is just part of the process and then there is more. In other words, there will be more questions – such as have you had any general liability losses in the last five years – do you have prior insurance for the last three years – do you have lost runs for the past five years or maybe three years?
There is a lot going on
Now, because your name and the name of your current company and your address is going to be on the application please note that underwriters now scour the web looking for – companies you may currently own – companies that you have closed down – and anything else that “they” can find on the World Wide Web. Underwriters, also have tools at their disposal that the rest of us just don’t have and that is a different blog altogether and remember each company is different in the underwriting process can differ from company to company.
Contractors Insurance Dallas
Now, here is the short form of what could happen to you as a contractor – a lot of people work in neither a professional environment of commercial or residential either way the person you are working for as a small remodeler or electrician or flooring contractor is probably aware that your client is carrying insurance on their property today. Now, that understanding brings us to this point – we as an agency want you to be aware that something can go wrong and there is no guarantee but just think about it for a second. If there is a loss regardless of whether you are negligent or not there can be a problem if an insurance company pays a claim – they “insurance companies” are very particular about their money – meaning you could end up in a lawsuit. Now that is a very short version and wide stroke and it doesn’t have to necessarily happen – yet it could it’s not impossible. Which brings us to this point – how are we as a small company going to stack up against an insurance company with their minions of lawyers and your millions of dollars?
well good afternoon Dallas – hope you had the most magnificent day and we look forward to being of service to you in the future. – I wrote this today with you guys in mind hoping that I could generate a little bit of interest in the questions that you might generate – this is my opinion wholly my opinion and no one else’s. This blog website is to be used for information and entertainment purposes only. This blog in its entirety makes absolutely no guarantee and offers no warranty whatsoever. For more information on our disclaimer please click here.
There is so much more
Now, there is so much to go over, so many ways someone can try and attach a claim to your assets. There was a guy that they say walked on water and the rest of us, well we don’t therefore we make mistakes and that includes everyone at our office at labor force insurance. We haven’t even touched today your website and how important it is to the underwriter – also we have not gone over workers compensation or building insurance or business personal property. Now what is interesting a “BLP” – business owners policy can include a lot of these coverages including the general liability – it just depends on the company and depends on you in the size of your company – insurance has a lot of variables. We will be opening our new office off of 377 in Benbrook Texas on April 17 and you can certainly come by and see us in person. We work here this is our passion we love doing what we do and look forward to speaking to you very soon. If you would like a quote just go to the top right hand corner and click the purple button – into we speak again which will be this evening have the most magnificent day and enjoy the awesome weather here in North Texas.