Dallas Roofing Insurance

Dallas Contractors Insurance General Liability, 927-217-8907 well we are here on this Friday and like most of North Texans we are welcoming the rain and not wanting a repeat of last weeks 80 MPH winds. Inside of the typical week at our office we speak to a lot or small contractors here in Dallas. One question that has come up more than usual is the roofing exposure and converges on a policy. The policies that we can offer to the one that is currently in place with the person on the other end of the phone. For your Dallas Contractors Insurance let’s talk a bit about roofing.
Roofing is a hard class and one example cost (premiums) though not every policy, but the policies that we offer will be a policy for roofers in particular. This means that you can do drywall painting and other exposures (kinds of work) but you are going to be charged the roofing rate. This may seem a bit harsh, yet this is the reality on some roofing contracts with insurance carriers. I am not suggesting that there are not policies that break out roofing and allow you to pay a more standard rate for other exposures, yet for the smaller contractors I don’t know where you would find one of these hybrid type policies.
Specifically answering a question
If I have never read your policy then I certainly don’t know the policy language and understand how that particular policy covers your exposures. In other words most people go see the doctor to get a diagnosis and don’t try and get it over the phone. Now, if you have a question on the roofing mystery and currently have a policy in place then you probably want to talk to your agent that sold you the policy. Specifically speaking to the question of is there a policy that we offer that has roofing exposure along with other coverage’s that your company may be doing such as….
- Flooring
- Trim Carpentry
- Drywall
- Painting
- Maybe a Handyman
The above is a list that could go on for quite a while, but you get the point that there is a long list of work outside of the roofing realm. In short if you want roofing covered for the small contractor then you might want to have a pretty serious conversation with the agent that’s going to put the policy in place. Again the answer is yes; the problem remains the same, you are paying a roofing rate for putting up drywall on some policies.
Roofing normally costs more than most other coverage’s and not every policy, but most of the policies are going to be based on your total yearly receipts. If you have a policy that is based on payroll please note that most insurance carriers are wise to the fact that roofing contractors have the propensity to use subcontractors. Subcontractors are part of the total labor cost and if there were to be a claim the claimant is most likely going to file their claim on the roofing contractor. In other words the person they hired to do their roof, so the exposure for a claim is very real. I’m going to guess that you already know that insurance carriers are very aware of how claims work.
Hello, I hope you have a great weekend. I look forward to our next article where we are going to go over claims. I wrote this article this morning around 5 AM. This website and I offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. Obviously I offer no legal advice because, I’m not an attorney and please remember this; if you have a policy in place please speak to your current agent because I have not read your policy and have no idea what the policy language says. This is my personal opinion and my opinion only and constitutes no change whatsoever to your current policy. If you have a question on your Dallas Contractors Insurance General Liability just call.