Dallas Subcontractors

Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability, Part Three of Anatomy of a quote. Before we get started on the anatomy of your quote I would like to thank you for stopping by our small cybershop here in Dallas. On the last blog/article we disused some of the exposures that are inherent to a contractor here in Dallas. As an example if you are a painter that is painting outside then one of the exposures that you might have is over spray. So, here is the spirit of our conversation today. Would if…would if you hired a painter to do a job and they had a claim. Now, let’s say that said claim belongs to a subcontractor, do you as a business man have any liability? Dallas contractors insurance general liability let’s talk.
Well, that is a question that seems to come up here in our office on a daily bases. Now, this story is not based on any actual claim. So, let’s say that the cost of cleanup on this over spray is 5k five thousand dollars. Again, you are not the painting company this is the company that you hired you may be a…
You could be one of the above or none. The question is what your liability if there is a claim to a sub-contractor that you hired to do work for your company and there is a claim. Well, there is a problem here because we have never read your policy or the language held within. (That’s the policy language)
So, is there liability
Well, here is a good way to answer that question. This is NOT the only scenario but this may get most people thinking. There is a five thousand dollar claim for over spray. Enter the home owners insurance. If the homeowner’s liability portion of the homeowners insurance pays the claim then what do you think happens next? In a lot of cases there will be a transfer of rights to the insurance company. In general this means that the Insurance Company has the right to get their money back. Now, you hired the painter *think subcontractor* do you think there is a possibility that the insurance carrier will name you in a law suite?
Coverage for subcontractors
As we stated before we have no Idea if your Dallas Contractors Insurance general liability will cover subcontractors. And there is the problem with the code, was that code on your policy? In other words do you have coverage at all? Things that you might need to know before you purchase a policy.
This is the personal opinion of me and nothing more. I/this website/this blog and ever thing on this website offers no warrantee nor guarantee at all whatsoever. This is for information and entertainment only. If you need more information of our disclaimer click here. Thank you for your time today and if you have a question about your policy you might want to talk to the agent that sold this to you.