Dallas were are here all day.

Dallas Contractors insurance, Dallas general liability: 972-217-8907 good morning Dallas – today is going to be Tuesday of course and just want to point out one thing, by the end of the week at the normal Texas July will be here according to Mr. weatherman. Meaning it’s going to start to a clip 100° – just saying. We are here on the phones if you need does or would like to get a quote, or maybe a question or two answered about your coverage’s. Today were going to go over a few things that may even seem random – yet if you will check back through the week, meaning through Friday you will notice that we will of gone over about 40 different kinds of definitions. Dallas contractors insurance, general liability let’s talk about exposures.
The backbone.
The backbone of contractors insurance has sometimes been referred to as the general liability, personally I am not sure how the anatomy of humans relates to insurance but I will go with it as it is said to be. There are other exposures however that may not be covered by your general liability you may or may not be aware of these…
- Workers’ compensation
- Umbrella
- Commercial auto
- Endorsements
- Different codes
Well, there may be a lot of different kinds of exposures that could be different than your general liability there could be/can be things that increase your limits for your general liability, as one example and umbrella. We can talk about exposures yet to be fair we also need to talk about cost. Some of the coverage’s above may not be exactly inexpensive and you may be a person that doesn’t use subcontractors or any type of help outside of yourself. Truly, I’m not trying to make this blog and sound self-righteous or exacerbate our intellectual stamina. Let’s go back to the Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
What is not covered
Now, there is no secret that we have not read every policy in the state of Texas that is offered for “GL”. Stereo typically speaking, we are saying that usually an injured employee or subcontractor is not covered by your “GL” – this is a good question, a solid query you might want to make to your current agent. Also there can be things that are not covered because you do not have a code – this is where we get into an area that is not only controversy yet, could be covered by a policy. We as a team are not trying to give generically vague answers, yet the truth is we just don’t know.
Here is an idea
Now, if you will read throughout the week you will get an understanding that some codes cost more than others, it might make common sense that roofing is going to cost more as a Dallas contractors insurance general liability policy as opposed to an interior painter. Again there may be an exception to this rule but stereo typically speaking that will probably hold true.
Now, in the middle of all of this is our disclaimer, as we said before we can’t read every policy therefore we just don’t have answers about some policies because we honestly have never read them – meaning there policy language. One person writes this blog – me – and I/this blog/website, offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. Today’s blog is for entertainment purposes only like every other blog on this website. If you have questions about our disclaimer or want more information please click on the word disclaimer above.