First Day of October<

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability – we certainly hope that we can be of service to you today, and thank you for dropping by our humble cyber shop right here in Dallas County. We certainly look forward to being of service to you and your company and understand that you have lots and lots of different websites that you can visit, so again thank you for coming to our small cyber shop today. Today, being the very first day of October, if you are like any of us in our office mostly baby boomers you are grateful for the weather that is drop below the 70s in the early a.m. I write this blog every day and feel that it is a privilege to speak to all the people here in Dallas this is my way of saying thank you and today let’s start the conversation of the anatomy of a quote. This will go into next week. We won’t get everything done in one day yet again thank you for dropping by and allowing us to talk you’re your about your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
Where To start
Now, there are different types of companies that offer different types of coverage’s meaning, that your policy language may be different from your contracting neighbor. Here we are speaking generally, not necessarily metaphorically but close. When you start talking about a quote you might want to start right there with an explanation. A “quote” – may be in reality closer to an indication because you may not have gone through underwriting as of yet. As of yet – meaning that no type of background investigation is been done on your company and that may be asking a few questions about you and your company such as
- Gross receipts
- Experience
- Incorporated?
- Name of Company
- Loss History
- Type of Work
- Subcontractors
You may be a roofing contractor, you may have 20 years experience, your company may be new yet you have been in the construction industry for 10+ years – you can understand our list will not be exhaustive yet we have to start somewhere and there’s going to be a few basic questions to take into consideration prior to offering an indication/quote. Now, today we will not be going too much into underwriting and we will not be talking about the binding process. Just getting started on the anatomy of your quote and what it will take to get started and to answer your first question of how fast can you get an indication/quote on your Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
You may have seen advertisements on the web of how you can have a quote in less than one hour, some people may even say that it takes 15 minutes or less for your construction policy indication. This is where we must say that one size absolutely does not fit all. One example would be that maybe it is possible to get a roofing contractors quote in 15 minutes, yet that may not be true in every case and for us after we have your information we will have you a quote the same day and usually another by the next morning prior to noon. Tomorrow, we will go over such things as subcontractors and later this weekend we will go into the Hon. “website” – and how sometimes this may throw a wrench into a perfectly good dryer – yes that is metaphorical a wrench will not go into a real dryer.
Now, one person writes this entire website and this blog and that is me. Personally I thank you for coming by and remind you this is my opinion – one person’s opinion and nothing more. The information here is for informational and entertainment purposes only this website/blog and myself – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. If you have more questions on our disclaimer please call us or click the quote button on the top right-hand corner or go here.