Friday the end game

Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability; Well we are off to the weekend and most of us know exactly what that means; that we will work at least half a day Saturday so that we are not overwhelmed on Monday. Here it is Friday 4/10/2015 and we are in the midst of all things business in our city of Dallas. In five quick days from now it will be time to write the check for our government and then sail right into summer. Summer is one of those interesting times in Texas. Well, if hot is interesting then we have a lot of interesting. Let’s talk about Dallas contractors insurance general liability and how we can help.
Now, in most every time I have ever gotten a call from a contractor I don’t think I have ever heard : “I have plenty of time when do you think you can give me a quote?” If I think back on the entire history of my career in insurance, I just don’t think that is ever happened. That is my way of saying that business insurance needs to move fast.
Well, (and please do not say that is a deep subject) in most cases we can do a quote in a few minutes and like most everything in life of course there are exceptions to that general rule. There are some types of coverages (risk) that take longer than others. Longer means a thing called a submit which may take one to four days the others take 1 to 5 minutes. Some take a bit longer….
- Welding Quote
- Roofing Quote
- Foundation Quote
- Framing Quote
- Tract Home Quote
The tract home exclusion can be kind of tricky, working with subdivisions and doing more than five inside of one subdivision can bring on a completely new set of problems. And then comes the new heavy weight champion of the world…”COI” certificates of insurance.
Oh! Here we go
COI – maybe the game has not changed, but the mysterious world of certificates is now very different than just five years ago. Certificates of insurance generally speaking are now required for most cities in the state of Texas. Most obviously, this is up to the independent city, yet the larger cities in North Texas in general and Dallas in particular you may find yourself having to have a certificate of insurance on file to work in their fair city.
And that ain’t all
Your quote and the reality of binding are two different things. VERY different things. There will be underwriting questions that have to be answered and the truth is the only option. There will be questions about your last work, how long you have been a company and your total labor cost. We talk about web-sites in these articles and we can never say this enough, whatever is on your web site is going to be seen by the underwriter. IF there are things on your web-site that you have not disclosed, then you may have your policy cancelled and cancelled fast. We as a company want to help and the only way we know how to help is to tell the whole story to the company. Warts and all and see what the company wants to do with your risk.
Now, here we go again it’s time to end; there is a fair and good question out here in the landscape of cyberspace and telephone land where we talk to so many of our contractors here in the state of Texas. If a person is a licensed agent of the state of Texas why do you need a disclaimer? The answer is kind of clear – insurance works at the speed of the web – and that is fast, real fast and we could never read them all. disclaimer – I wrote this therefore this is my opinion and my opinion only. Do not use this to make your decisions you might generate a question to ask your licensed agent of the state of Texas. Yet, this is nothing more than my opinion and my opinion only. We/I/labor force insurance website and all assigns offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. If you want more information on our disclaimer please click here.