Glad to see you today

Dallas Contractors Insurance General liability, 972-217-8907 I hope today all is well with everyone here in the metroplex today Thursday, May 21, 2015. We will be here from 8:30 Am til whenever we finish as usual. That is my way of saying I will stay as late as need to help with your questions. There is always the possibility that you might need nothing more than a quote to be sure your premiums are in line with the industry standard among your peers. As always we are grateful that you stopped by our cyber shop (website) today. We are here for the blue collar worker here in Dallas/Fort Worth and North Texas. Let’s talk Dallas Contractors Insurance, general liability.
The size of your company
Generally speaking we are here to be of help to the small contractor, meaning the men and women that have companies’ in the range of $1,500,000 and under. WE are not one size fits all and don’t want to be and honestly the larger companies would be better suited with the larger agencies. You may have a company or you may be a contractor that does,
- Painting Contractor
- Flooring Contractor
- Lawn Care
- Roofing Contractor
- Exterior Painting
There are a lot of codes with so many variables, meaning there is a long list of things that one might be involved in as a company. Now, here is something that I go over every day and may not seem fair, yet you might want to be aware of this exposure to your company.
We have this conversation seems like every day. A contractor will us subcontractors which is pretty common in today contracting environment. The situation that you are in as a company is not a simple as one might think. There is a great possibility that if a subcontractor has an accident of there is a claim then you can be named in a law suit. This is the last thing that anyone wants to happen so you might want to make subcontractors a priority in a discussion with your agent when you are discussing your possible Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
The quote
The quote that you receive is normally an indication that is somewhat close to the final numbers and the reason that things could change is that you have not gone under underwriting. Now, tomorrow we will go over codes, the exposures for your company. The exposures is what does your company do for a living? For an example: You do painting, do you do anything else i.e. do you hire a subcontractors to help. There is that subcontractor thing again, you might want to have that exposure or potential exposure with an agent.
I wrote this and I am one guy. This is my personal opinion and the information here is for informational and entertainment purposes only. I/we/this blog/website offer no warrantee or guarantee whatsoever. Consult with you agent any changes you might want to make on any policy that you have. If you want more information of our disclaimer click here.