Good morning DALLAS

Dallas General Liability Insurance: Well, we have made it half way this week and now here we go for the second half. First things first, thank you for dropping by our small cyber shop here today, we are grateful that you have done so. If you have a question you can call and we will answer over the phone or you may just want to see what is going on with the price of premium. Now, we need a little information to get started. If you will click the purple button on the top right hand corner or you can just click here: Dallas General liability insurance quote:
Different people will need different things
As your company grown you will find that you might need different coverage’s to help close exposures and protect you assets. There may be a situation where you need to adhere to the demands of a general contractor’s agreement. Now, there are a lot of different scenarios and maybe you are in one where you just need to speak to someone about a contract you have received with special insurance questions such as:
- Workers’ compensation
- Additional insured
- Non-contributory additional insured
- Thirty Day Notice
- Waiver of subrogation
- Commercial auto additional Insured
- There are going to be different requirements demanded by different GC’s meaning their requirements may vary from contract to contract:
There will be a difference between agents also, this is where I say not all agents are going to be a good fit for your needs, in other words one size does not fit all. WE have a lot to go over with some of our guy’s yet most just need Dallas General Liability Insurance.
Pricing is going to biased mostly on the size of your company and the your exposure. There is obviously a difference between a person who welds structural steel and a person who does interior painting. The difference will be quite evident when you get a quote on your general liability. Also remember that the underwriter is going to go to your website and that website trumps reality. If you say that you weld structural steel on your website and you are probably going to have some explaining to do.
Now, if you are not currently covered then most likely your prior work will be excluded from the policy that you are currently going to purchase. That is another subject for a different blog roll called completed operations. And this is one of the times where it is more complicated than it sounds so for right now we would just move forward and remind you yes – we can get you coverage if you have no prior insurance.
Let’s take a look
If you need to have a request for insurance sent to you by a contract than you probably want to forward that to your insurance agent. There may be things in there that you have not seen before and the problem is when you sign the contract you’re going to have to have these “endorsement” – on your certificate of insurance. Here’s the short story – if these endorsements are not included on your certificate of insurance they may have the legal right to hold your payment until you’ve and adhere to their insurance request.
Now, just think
We are not saying that people are out there to take advantage of the less educated in the world of insurance and certificates of insurance, but think about this for a second. Once upon a time in the world of insurance a contractor told me this – “Go and get a roofing estimate for a new roof compared to a non-insured roofer and see which is going to be less expensive – there’s no mystery here that it is expensive to insure a roofer. This can be true if you need $1000 endorsements and bid a job not knowing that you need to spend the extra money. Now this may never happen but it’s not impossible to happen they get hold your check and you could lose money because of an insurance certificate.
Safe than sorry
Better to be safe than sorry – if you will forward us your contract information there we will look over the insurance section and help with designing the best certificate of insurance to be sure that you are paid what is owed to you without further ado as far as your certificate of insurance is concerned.
An email will help
You might consider getting an email from the company that has hired you to say that you are in compliance with their certificate of insurance – meaning you sent them a sample – and that you are ready to go. Now there may be some other idiosyncrasies that we just don’t know about because we have not seen your contract, yet we will do all we can to help just click or call and let us know what we can do.
Here we go again: I wrote this at 7:45 AM this very day of February 4, 2015 and this is my opinion and my opinion only. This is for information and entertainment purposes only. On this blog roll are nowhere on this website do we offer a warranty or guarantee whatsoever. Have a blessed day in if you need anything click call and we would do everything we can to help. Thank you and have an awesome Wednesday Dallas.