Good Morning Monday Dallas

Dallas Contractors Insurance General Liability, well here we go the new week and the forecast, remains the same. Rain and we will be glad that we did in the middle of the summer. (Think July and 107 Fahrenheit.) We all know hot especially the people (contractors) that work with their hands out in the elements. Also, we want to thank you for dropping by today and hopefully we will be able to be of service to you and your company. Protection for your company is not one coverage, yet the backbone of coverage is maybe your Dallas Contractors General Liability.
The Starting Place
The staring place will be the quote in most cases, we will be here all day and will do all that we can to supply one for your if you need something fast. The quote is only the start, please remember that there will be underwriting questions. The quote is usually the indicator and that indicator is most likely real close. Maybe you are a…
- General Contractor
- Flooring Contractor
- Concrete Contractor
- Handyman
- Remolding Contractor
You could be something that is not on the list this is just to be used as an example. Now, a question that might come up is, What happens if you have several codes in your daily adventure of contracting. The answer might be to have “Remodeling” code on your Policy that will usually have a larger expanse of codes.
Your agent will need to go over your codes with you and what your exposures are, don’t leave that up to something that you read on the web, your business may depend on it. Meaning, you may need to have concrete code on your policy if you are going to do a concrete job, and usually if you are going to pour a foundation you might want to check with your agent to be sure that you have coverage. It may seem like a lot of attention is being paid to your Dallas Contractors insurance general liability.
The Agent
You might want to take some time and go over things with your agent and be sure that you are covered on all our exposures, meaning all that you are being contracting to perform. You also you might want to check with your agent on work done by a Sub-Contractor and how you may be exposed.
Thank you
You are the reason for this website and we thank you for dropping by today and we thank you for your time. If we can be of help we will and we are not for everyone. We are here to try and help and we are here for the small contactor. The small contractor is usually around 1.5 million in sales and we do and will go over that amount yet when you reach the higher payrolls/Labor cost we need to place with one of our associates.
I wrote this today at Six am and this is one person’s opinion. This is to be used for entertainment and informational only. We offer no warrantee or guarantee whatsoever. If for any reason you would like to talk to an agent please give us a call. For more information on our disclaimer click here.