Happy birthday America and hello Dallas

Dallas Contractors insurance general liability, well it’s here my favorite holiday of the summer, 4th of July, now there is always a lot to talk about here in the world of insurance, yet today I just want to be thankful for this great land, and say thank you to all that help keep us free. I don’t agree with everything that come out of Washington, but I do remind myself we are a country united and we are the USA, and that means a lot to me. I like insurance and the you-tube studio that we have built that we use for our home made marketing. I am just saying that we enjoy our freedom. Dallas contractor’s insurance general liability.
What we have in store
In store as in the future not as in store because we have a retail shop. We will be talking about sub-contractors and how they may affect your company’s bottom line. The difference with workers’ Compensation and subcontractors and your W2 employees. We well be talking about….
- Subcontractors
- Employees
- Certificates if insurance
- Endorsements
- Roofing and the cost
There will be a lot to go over here in the second half of the year and we look forward to all of the different things that we can maybe expound on this last months of our 2015. I hope to speak to a lot of you in person in other words I hope that I can help.
Summer is here and not like it is normally, so far we have been blessed with very mild temperatures as compared to usual, well that is my opinion anyway. Regardless I am a baby boomer so I am saying to stay hydrated, be safe out there things can go south and bad fast.
Workers’ Compensation
As of this writing Texas does not have a mandated workers compensation that I know of yet things can change in a flash and that is insurance these days. I think that more has changed in the Dallas contractor’s insurance general liability in the past then yeas that had changed in the prior fifty. Well it seems that way to me. All that to say there are some rumblings about Texas following suite and becoming part of the Workers Compensation mandatory team. Don’t know for sure as of yet, however if we hear and changes coming down the mountain we will let you guys know.
We as insurance people understand that A lot of companies have popped up that now handle insurance certificates, not saying that this is bad or good just saying this. If you have a company that has been with an insurance agency for a while and have heavy insurance certificate request then you might want to be a little careful changing agency’s.
Well, have a wonderful 4th of July and know that we are very, very blessed to be free. Now all of this is my opinion and nothing else. I/this blog/website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever and never will. This is for entertainment only, if you wish move information on our Disclaimer click here.