Have a GREAT Saturday

Dallas Contractors Insurance: General liability, Well, this year is taking flight it’s almost April and we know what is going to follow that – good old fashioned Texas summer, and for the most part I don’t hear anybody yelling hip hip hooray. Today it’s raining obviously overcast and cool outside and that is a recipe for doing all the fun contracting stuff such as – the ever loved paperwork – working on taxes – does this list ever end? Today let’s take a walk down “Gee – I thought that was covered lane” and through a few definitions although- in some cases are outdated. They aren’t as common as pop tarts yet, however things such as hybrid insurance policies are here and there, meaning lightly populating the Dallas contractors insurance general liability landscape.
Ok, now say that again
Ok, when generally speaking your CGL is not going to cover things such that you might think are covered and sometimes the coverage comes right down confusing. As an example let’s say the you are hanging a door and somehow the door has fallen down a stairway and started some chain reaction that resulted in a $10,000 loss. Now the door that you were carrying is not covered (remember to check with your agent because some policies have now become a hybrid) so you may find yourself paying out-of-pocket for a door and remember you’re probably going to have a deductible maybe even small on your Dallas contractors insurance – general liability.
Oh! It get’s better
Now, bodily injury is cover but not everyone is covered by bodily injury – as an example if you hired a subcontractor that was hurt on the job this subcontractor is most likely not going to be covered under your general liability. Now, here’s where it becomes even more interesting, let’s say that you are deemed negligent and there is a bodily injury to someone who was not employed by you in any fashion and was not performing a professional trade as a subcontractor. This is where you need to get agent to explain it to you get this person may be covered under your general liability. Think – Hammer falls out of hand on second-story and hits someone that has a greater possibility of being covered as long as they are not operating in a professional manner. (I know it’s not real clear – this causes some confusion so you can call us and we’ll try and clear this up) what is not covered?:
- Your building -not covered
- Your tools -not covered
- Auto –not covered
- Hurt on job –not covered
- Craftsman’s ship –not covered
Now, to keep going on what is and what is not covered would take a while, yet let us be clear that in most every case your subcontractors in yourself are not covered under the Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Dallas Contractors Insurance
Yea: there is a lot to go over in we are here from 8 AM until 6 PM Monday through Friday. They were in and out of the office a lot on the weekend so if you want to take a chance feel free to call us and we will do everything we can to answer your questions. And please take our word for it – we are not trying to be confusing it’s just that things have changed a lot here recently with these new “hybrid” – type of coverage and please remember there not real common and are not inexpensive. That is my way of saying they’re not giving you anything. And remember our sister site: labor fore insurance fort Worth
Well, enjoy your Saturday and we look forward to being of some help to you if possible, I do want to know I wrote this myself on this very Saturday and this is my opinion and my opinion only. All the information on this website is for informational and entertainment purposes only and we offer no guarantee or warranty whatsoever and never will. Dallas contractors insurance general liability is a moving information mountain see you need to talk to your agent or feel free to call us because the information here is already outdated and please take my word for it; you don’t want to make any decisions based on this information you want to use your licensed insurance agent in the state of Texas.