Hello Dallas COI Certificate of Insurance

Dallas General Liability Insurance Contractors: Whoa!! Our super small web site was attacked yesterday, we have nothing here, meaning all information on this site you can see in the form of “Blog-Roll” So, is this all these people have to do all day? Now, our contractors do things, they build things, they design things, they make things better and in turn makes people happy. So, Thank GOD we are here today and THANK you for dropping by the cyber office we are glad you are here. Today let’s talk about a couple of things you need if you hire someone. The Sub-contractors should have one thing to start a job for you: Think Dallas General Liability Insurance.
Start here: Certificate of insurance
Now, we want you and your company to be protected so, let’s just says this is the minimum you will need to start. A Certificate of insurance: because you have to protect your company with their insurance. Now, when you in possession of said certificate of insurance you need to call the company and be sure that “THEIR” insurance is in force. Let’s say that if money is fabricated fraudulently how much simpler a certificate of insurance? Yea, you get it. So, call the company that is issuing the certificate. *This will be the brokerage NOT the insurance company. As an example Labor Force insurance. In other words we are not saying anyone is fibbing we are just saying be prudent.
Additional Insured
Your company would most likely want to be named as an additional insured: The general answer as to why is because in case of a claim this policy will extend coverage to your company and put you company under the protection of the policy. **Note: Go over this with your agent: this is important: and remember that policy and their inherent language are different on different policies. Like saying car there are a lot of TYPES of cars.** This might add you to the policy and could quite possibly defend you in court.
Waiver of Subrogation
A Fancy word for law suit: And here is something that could happen, now there is nothing is in stone here but here goes the outcome of this possible execution of your policy. When you have/give a company a waiver of subrogation we the people this possibly transfers a companies right to recoup there loss by litigating against you. In our make believe story it goes like this:
- You hireed a sub-contractor
- Yikes: Claim
- Additions insured: company may pay on your behalf
- Waiver of Subrogation: Stops litigation: see below
- The Idea of a waive of subrogation is that after the claim is settled then the company that was protection you and your assets could turn around and say: Well we have defended you from them now we want our money back. Enter the waiver of subrogation: in concept this will be stopped by the waiver of subrogation.
In the land of the living
It is not true that insurance companies are shark zombies wearing tailored suits of the season. Well….not true as a whole anyway, the idea for this blog was to start the process of understating a certificate of insurance as concerns your Dallas General Liability Insurance.
This was made by me and me only. WE offer no guarantee or warrantee to this page of any page of this blog/website: For more information on our disclaimer click here