Hello Dallas: it time to get started

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: Is something that is needed by most of contractors here in Dallas regardless of their size. It’s just not 2004 anymore, the city of Dallas is now demanding that you have coverage to pull a work permit and you may have noticed all kinds of demands have been put upon the local small to medium-size contractor from various sources. These range from the city compliance office all the way to the smaller contractor that may even live next door
– is now asking for proof of coverage. We hope we can be of some help and we are RWA – ready, willing and able to expedite your possible needs on your Dallas contractors general liability insurance.
The City
It was not all that long ago that cities in general did not ask for contractors to show proof of liability insurance to pull a work permit from (enter the name of the city here) now, with that said we as a group are not here to debate whether it is right or wrong or how much extra protection the city has because of said certificate, however we as a team will be here to answer your questions and be sure that if you need a coverage or a – “endorsement” – we will do everything we can to be sure that you are covered. Please understand even with general liability insurance you will not be covered for everything. That we would like to say there is no such thing as a cure-all for every risk known a man, in other words an umbrella helps but is little protection in a hurricane.
Different kinds of risk
There different kinds of risk for your company to consider when it comes to exposures to your assets and a possible/maybe legal ramification that we the people Unwittingly expose ourselves to. Now, you are much more first in this insurance kung fu then you may be aware of… Here is an example. When you are home and there is a very small electrical fire and $30,000 worth of damage it’s more than likely you do not file this claim on your personal auto policy. If you were involved in a fender bender/accident in our great city of Dallas, is very unlikely that you will file this protection on your homeowners insurance. Although, this is obvious the idea is to point out there are different coverage’s for different kinds of risk again think – homeowners/personal auto policy.
The story keeps going
Now, here is something that you may know you may not know so it is definitely worth exploring here – when you hire a subcontractor and that person is hurt on the job and it insurance claims filed against the property owner and the claim is paid; do you think the insurance company is just going to walk away? Meaning now that the $30,000 claim is paid because Bob driving a bobcat had bodily injury and Bob the bobcat driver was working for you as a subcontractor? Regardless of what happened a claim was filed in our make-believe story and a claim was paid. You may have hired:
- Roofer
- Concrete contractor
- Painter
- remodeler
- Handyman
You know, there is an old saying that says you don’t know until you know – although learning things can be good you need to relearn them in the right environment. If someone was hurt trimming a tree that you hired and that person went to the hospital and filed a $30,000 claim on the homeowners liability portion of their home, then guess what – do you truly think the insurance company is just going to forget about it? Or do you believe it is more likely they will be sending you a demand letter for the money and we all know what follows after that…
I wrote this at 4:39 this AM, this story is mine and mine only and I do not offer any warranty or any kind of guarantee whatsoever. This is of course my personal opinion and I wrote this as a make-believe story and please note that insurance changes at the speed of Internet. So, even if we wanted to make a statement he could never be true because we have never read your policy. Your policy has its very own language and we have never seen that therein, – it would probably be prudent to call your agent and go over your policy and your coverages. If for any reason we can help with your Dallas contractors general liability insurance please call