Hello Dallas It’s Friday

Dallas General Liability Insurance: Contractors, Now for the normal everyday, garden-variety type employee/worker here in the Metroplex, it’s a good day. Today is Friday a day to pick up a paycheck and enjoy the weekend. For the independent contractor, the guy that is gone out there on the limb and decided to hang his own shingle, make his/her own way and become a part of the small business landscape of America….. Well it’s time to do payroll, we wish you well. Let’s talk about your Dallas general liability insurance.
Needs of the Contractor at large
There are different things when the phone rings here at labor force insurance that we are well aware of: People agree with us when we say, you cannot stay in business giving all of your money to the insurance. As well no one wants to harbor exposure to their respective assets. Your liability coverage has limitations of what it is going to pay for not unlike your personal auto. Yet, today we are not wanting to talk about limitations as we are wanting to go over the dreaded – exclusions; that’s such a big part of the Dallas general liability insurance landscape.
Exclusions: is exactly what it sounds like – the things that are excluded from your policy meaning in a short and to the point explanation: We will use mold as an example: if the contractor does what is called “remediation” – stereo typically that means he his/her company does restoration of water and or fire type of loss. This type of exposure (water – fire) will call for a more extensive type of general liability that doesn’t have (as an example) mold excluded. Now, there are coverages sometimes for the following and sometimes this is excluded – faulty work – now this is one you definitely want to go over with your agent yet regardless you want to have an understanding that in general the standard of your work is not covered.
We will use concrete work as an example – let’s say that someone poured a driveway and the dimensions were all wrong, or let’s say that you poured the driveway did a magnificent job only to find out this was at the wrong house. Now there is no hundred percent accurate answer here but generally speaking this is not covered. The short answer is – that is coming out of the owners pocket.
Remember this
There will be an exclusions page: when you get your policy there will be an exclusions page there may be an exclusions page with your application that you sign for your Dallas general liability insurance coverage. Obviously there are going to be different types of exclusions for different types of contractors as an example:
- Electricians
- Concrete Work
- Handyman
- Painting
- Exterior Painting: yes there is a difference
Yes, there are a LOT of left out types of work here: one of them is “welding” and this is just an example: we as a company do not write policies for welders: this by far and away is nothing personal it’s just a business decision that we came up as a group because the liabilities are phenomenal (let’s call that downside) and the rate is also skyhigh (that is the amount you pay/premium) therefore, we have a company that does write them and has been writing them for 15 years and will be glad to steer you in their direction.
Here we go
Well, it’s Friday, this is a very busy day for the small business owner, so we absolutely want to thank you for taking time out of your day to come by here – are humble website parked on the corner of small and cyberspace. All of us at labor force insurance hope that one day we can be of assistance to you, till that time have a blessed weekend I do truly pray that your family and you are well and have a prosperous 2015.
Now, it’s 5:58 Am on Friday 1/23/2015: if you are in your 50s you will know what this means: it’s early early Friday morning do you know where your sleep is? Now, I wrote this myself this is my personal opinion. Nothing here is going to change your policy whatsoever and does not reflect a policy in place or one that you may buy because I have never read that policy or understand or even seen its policies language. This blog roll and website is to be used for entertainment and informational purposes only. I am not saying use at your own risk I am saying don’t use it all talk to your agent – that needs to be licensed by the state of Texas to sell you insurance. We offer absolutely positively no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. For more information on our disclaimer please click here.
It’s that time again
Well we as a working people are in the mist of the brand-new year. Understandably the small business owner is taking on more jobs and working longer hours and that’s not just because they want to keep I ahead of the financial curve it is also because….. Well there are bills to pay from Christmas and New Year’s, I think that’s called being an American. WE will be here again on Saturday hope you have a great weekend and if you need anything at all give us a call and we would do everything we can do to help you with your Dallas general liability.