Hello Dallas it’s monday

“Almost 2015” href=”http://www.laborforceinsurance.com/almost-2015/”>Dallas General liability: Commercial insurance is sometimes more complicated than anyone wants’ it to be i.e. certificates requirements from general contractors can be a major source of this pain. In the Dallas insurance world this is called “Wording” this wording can cost a bit more than one might think. WE the people of insurance need to have an understanding of the implications of said “Wording” and which companies can comply with them more complicated request without interfering with your day to day business. This is where the monetary complications began and can escalate from there.
Certificates of insurance
Ahhhhh yes the abominable (COI) – certificate – of – insurance can be the life bridge between the larger jobs, that may pay more because of the sophistication of the general contractor. And remember for the small contractor sometimes it is just cost prohibitive to be involved in such contractual negotiations. There are different kinds of request:
- Additional Insured.
- Waiver of subrogation.
- 30 day notice.
- Workers compensation.
- Umbrella – used to increase your occurrence limit.
Now, without going into the forest to deep additional insured’s and waiver of subrogation’s have different types of extensions that change the policy in general. The fact does it change that most people are not going to have a general liability claim and as a blue-collar worker stereotypically speaking that person is not concerned with the endorsement.
Here is the Rub
No, this is not the kind of rub that was placed on your barbecue two days ago to enhance the flavor, no – not at all. The situation here is not the request of the endorsement it is finding the company that is going to adhere to the contractual configuration and satisfy your general contractor certificate of insurance request. There is a way to make this easy for your company, the problem will not fall into the column of ease of use, the problem will fall into the type of policy is not stronger in rating as in A+ but has more extensions built into their policy and is more costly because of the extensions that are built-in. It is something like a car with more options (think baseline automobile versus top-of-the-line) in other words this ease-of-use cost money.
We are here for the blue-collar worker
Now, we make it no secret that we are here for the working man, a man that gets his hands dirty and a woman that is out there in the trenches working day to day supplying the fiscal needs of the family. We say this a lot and will say it probably over 1000 times in 2015 – 99.9% of our business will be companies with a total gross sales of $3 million and down.
What that means
Now, our agency understands certificates and understands the urgency that is connected with these request – our goal is to make insurance our job and your job is fixing the electricity, the HVAC and remodeling the home. Dallas General Liability, we will be talking about this all in the new year.
This is the part that we must do: this blog is written by one person and one person only – it does not reflect your policy nor does it change anything on your policy. We do not offer any warranty. We do not offer any type of guarantee whatsoever. Hopefully you can read to the site in generate intelligent questions for your “Texas licensed agent” for your insurance needs. No, website should not be used as your whole source information.