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Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability 972-217-8907 – thank you for dropping by our very small cyber shop here in the great city of Dallas. We are here from 7:30 AM until 6 PM Monday through Friday and will do all that we can to help if you call us or click the purple and white button on the right that says quote. We as a company are very sensitive to the fact that you work in the sun, in the heat right here in Texas. Your money is very important to us because we know exactly how it is to run a small company and try and put the end of the week together. Meaning, making payroll and understanding that you need coverage that works for you in the type of business that you are involved. Let’s talk about Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability and who we are.
Who we are
To start with we want to say that we are the people who are dedicated to our passion and fill it a true working relationship that can only work with the understanding that: Your company cannot stay in business giving all of your money to the insurance company. It doesn’t take a person who is a physics major or a rocket scientist to believe that statement is quite possibly true. Now, you certainly do not have to purchase anything from us but you may want to be sure that the person that you ultimately work with……
There are a lot of things to consider the above of course is just an example to get you thinking possibly in that direction. We are like every agency we truly want to think that we can meet your needs and yet that may not be true – didn’t see that coming did you. In other words a larger company is not going to be a good fit for our agency. There are companies that we just do not represent that are going to be a better fit for the larger contractor and may have special considerations that are not offered to the smaller contractor because of a minimum premium requirement. This could mean that they have a 10,000 minimum premium.
We will do what we can to provide you with the quote that makes the most logic in the fiscal and the type of policy that may be the best representation of what you need as a company. Also, this is something you may not hear anywhere else… It is prudent to shop and start working with the person who can make you comfortable with the agent company relationship. Now, there’s certainly no guarantee that your relationship will get you a better policy yet, for me I like being comfortable with the people that I work with.
Now, we will be back tomorrow Friday and we truly that God that we were we able to do that. We look forward to being a part of your future, and if that future is nothing more than saying we are not the best fit we are glad to be any part because that’s are part and we are passionate about our part. This is one person’s opinion – mine – this is my opinion and nothing else. This entire website including this blog offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. If you want more information on our disclaimer go here.