Hello Monday

Dallas General liability Insurance, contractors: Everyone’s situation is different you may need workers compensation and you are the only person in the company and yet there is a certificate requirement that you as a company must adhere too. You may just need lower limits for your electrical company (think electrician) – because that is the only requirement of the state. Now, let’s talk about the requirements of the states versus reality. Let’s say that you have been a contractor for 25 years and now you have a small company and you’re going to retire here sometime soon. Through your hard work you have collected some assets, maybe a rental property or two: now here we go. Dallas general liability insurance.
YOU need protection
Now, I am certainly not exclaiming that I am any kind of attorney, however if you have a loss, think total loss of someone’s home of around $400,000 and you want to have the limits that will cover this. Now, you have probably heard this statement before – better to have too much than too little. This may be true and although a person may consider that we sell Dallas general liability insurance, therefore this blog roll today could be considered a conflict of interest. In reality the opposite is true, for the small contractor the difference between the smaller limits and the million/2,000,000 is not a lot of money. And I will say this here and hopefully a few million more times in my lifetime – my job is to protect you and your assets.
We have assembled a small team here at labor force insurance and we want to do everything we can to be of service to you. And I would just like to throw out there – you purchase insurance for catastrophic loss; small claims can be an irritant however large claims can put you into bankruptcy and absolutely turn your life inside out.
A judgment
Now, again I am not an attorney, however I would think it be common sense to put a judgment in the – “Gee I don’t want one of those” columns. Adjudication of said judgment quite literally is where the person doing the judgment comes to get your stuff:
- Your rent houses
- Your extra autos
- Your Jet Ski’s
- Your camera equipment
- Your savings account
Now, the exact process of this I am unaware, yet I have heard some pretty severe stories that are just flat out horrific. Now, It’s not fun and we will send you your quote for the lower limits (because you told us to every do what you say) – at the same time we’re going to go ahead and email you a couple of other quotes with higher limits. As you well know it doesn’t cost anything to look.
We are here
We are here if you want to speak to someone – live – and we will do everything that we can to help. Have a department that does life Disclaimer
This was written by one person – me – and this is my personal opinion. I offer absolutely positively no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. This blog roll and everything on this website and every part of every blog roll is for information and entertainment purposes only for more on our disclaimer click here