Hello Monday Dallas

Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance: It’s Monday, Dallas and I am sure you are just loving this weather: Ok, admittedly Monday normally does not make the happy list nor does just above freezing for the day coupled with overcast and gray. Yes, the insurance agent was trying to be funny and we will call this attempt – fail. Most people here in our North Texas MegAplex would say the same thing, do not quit your day job. With that said let’s talk about the different coverage’s that a small Dallas contractor may need and we will start with your Dallas contractors general liability insurance.
That is important
Although, it is not as likely that you will have a loss concerning general liability and say an automobile accident the reality does not change that their risk exists and can rear its ugly head without warning. A common saying that I here at least once every other week is “I have never had a loss and I have never had general liability” that is all good and I truly understand: yet it my age being a baby boomer I will assure you I have only been involved in two accidents over the last 40 years. Meaning there was a couple of decades between – yet still every day I have had insurance to cover the risk. Let’s agree most likely that the probability is low yet the risk, is off the Richter scale.
Oh! How did that happen
Things go wrong, things that were never planned for ergo the name accident in the insurance world it’s called negligence. A simple scenario puts this and to a understandable language: as contractors the companies are piloted by humans therefore human error is inevitable. They say that there was a guy who walked on water and rest of us we need insurance. Let’s talk abut Groovy Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance
Now, we understand that there are COI’s “certificates of insurance” handed down like free candy on Halloween for the contractor to adhere to the language inside. There are going to be all kinds of fun and nifty things that you may have to have put in/on your certificate of insurance.
- Waiver of subrogation
- Additional Insured
- Non-contributory waiver of subrogation
- Per-project aggregate
- Workers’ compensation
Now, the first four are policy language that actually changes your Dallas contractors general liability insurance, the workers compensation is actually a different type of policy which we will go over tonight as we are heading into Tuesday of this beautiful week.
We understand these endorsements and want you to be well aware this is where the absolute “dance” begins – this waiver of subrogation, additional insured, noncontributory waiver of subrogation, per project aggregate and yes there are even more the physically change your policy and the terms of the policy language. Now we understand you did not come here to get a legal degree yet we were wanting you to be aware because there is a charge with a couple of those endorsements.
Now, one person wrote this, that would be me – and this is my personal opinion. This website/blog roll is to be used for informational purposes only and entertainment purposes only. This website/blog offers no guarantee or warranty whatsoever. For more information on our Disclaimer click here