Hello Saturday! We are in the Office

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability – good morning to the contractors here in North Texas and of course Dallas in particular, this being Saturday we will be answering our phones until 1 PM today. Monday through Friday we will be here from 7:30 AM until 6 PM every day. I look forward to speaking to you in person and will do all that I can to help and that brings me to the point of – “sales”. Our business is truly based on the effectiveness of yours, in other words if you don’t stay in business neither do I. So were going to go over some interesting things today and it being Saturday we will probably be to the point and quick. Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability look forward to seeing you soon.
Where to start
Now, you may need pricing on workers compensation or you might want to look at a commercial auto policy, yet in my experience most every time the phone rings we start with “GL” – liability coverage is or what seems to be the driving force in the landscape of the blue-collar worker here in North Texas. There are definitely forces that are instrumental to make that statement possibly true. The city’s (– think Dallas –) are sometimes asking for proof of insurance (– think certificate –) before they will allow contractors to pull a work permit or construction permit on their project. Just like life there’s no absolute – absolutes so were going to say this is most every time. If you have a question on that statement called your friendly city representative and ask them what the requirements are here in Dallas County. You may be wanting to do work as a contractor of…..
Now, how many types of contractors are there here in our great state? I don’t know, yet I will tell you there’s a lot more types of contractors than there are listed on our five categories. This list was not designed to be exhaustive rather just an example. I am sure there will be raging arguments over sometimes you don’t even need to pull a work part permit. Now, I am not here to tell you how to run your business but as far as I know work permits are necessary a lot of times according to the city that you are working in, to confirm this you may want to call the building and permits Department of the particular sitting you are working with – just an idea you’re the boss.
Now What
Now, there is no way that I have read every policy issued on Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability. As a matter of fact that is probably one of my bigger understatements I will ever make, the point is is that I don’t know your policy have not seen your policy so I cannot tell you what is included and what is excluded. Yet, it may be a prudent idea to go over your exclusions when you are hiring a subcontractor to do old job outside of the norm of which you based your premium and policy on when you first started. In other words if you are an interior and exterior paint are you may want to check with your agent if you are hiring a concrete contractor to do a job for you on your job site/where you have been hired to work.
Now, how ridiculous would it be for someone like myself to say – I know everything, when actually the opposite may be 100% more accurate. I am told by family and friends a lot that I know nothing and sometimes I just want to agree. I wrote this blog and this entire website myself – this is one person’s opinion and that’s all it is and nothing more. This information here is to be used for informational and entertainment purposes only. I/this website/blog – offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. If you have a question on our disclaimer go here. “Or go to the top purple button at the top right-hand corner and click where it says quote. Have a blessed day and awesome weekend and thank you for your time. Information on Disclaimer go here.