Hello to Dallas and Monday

Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability. 972-217-8907 North Texas it is Monday good morning and let’s start with this – have a blessed week, a great week and of course if you need anything whatsoever give us a call at your convenience. It is 7:45 AM and we are already here on the phones so feel free to call us early if you wish. Admittedly, we service Texas in general yet in particular North Texas and even more (how you say) specifically Dallas/Fort Worth because that is where we live. We are always grateful that you could come by our humble cyber shop feel free to look around we have articles of over hundred thousand word count on this particular website. Dallas contractors insurance, general liability and some of the exposures to your company, let’s talk –
Things no one knows
Well, the future is for me will always remain a mystery generally speaking. I personally believe that the sun will be rising this entire week and that the earth is not going to exchange its position with any of the other planets here in our solar system other than that I see through a glass darkly. Looking on to the future is certainly not a prerequisite to work with our company and I have yet to meet anyone regardless of the model they may use can create a predictability pattern that is rock-solid. With this being said we don’t know what is going to happen during a claim and there may be a lot of statements out here in the web but they may be incorrect because who knows the future. One example would be could there be exclusions on your contractors insurance Dallas, general liability? As an example
- Roofing
- Retaining wall
- Subcontractors
- Foundations
- Welding
The list above this line is certainly not exhaustive nor does it include every exclusion that could be/may be on a general liability policy, yet it is only an example and you, probably understand where we are going with this. To put this in perspective let’s just say this happens.
Enter the agent
I cannot tell you what an agents response would be if you ask Pointblank what will happen if there is a claim on a excluded class code, and other words what would happen next. Furthermore, I cannot tell you that this claim will not be paid with 100% certainty or denied with the same amount of certainty. Here is the question I posed to you as a businessman here in Texas. Would it meet more prudent or fall into the column of common sense to drive a car with insurance as opposed to traveling may be uninsured and trying to figure the liability process out after you have had an accident? It’s a question I never said it was perfect.
Now, you may be a person that only uses insured subcontractors and you may use the same insured electrician and plumber and possibly even roofer on all of your jobs. We are not going to probe into this particular scenario in any kind of depth were going to leave a question and deal with this portion/part in Tuesday’s blog. Would it be possible for there to be a claim on an insured subcontractor and then there company (insurance company) litigate/subrogate against you and your company for the amount of the claim? It’s a question we will address in tomorrow’s blog.
The maybe’s
We as a team understand that we don’t make a lot of actual statements here we are buried knee-deep in up to our elbows in maybes and “possibly” etc., yet I must refer you to the we don’t have a crystal ball mentality that we keep here. We could fly out the old saying of – we are human therefore it is human to error – yet we all know that and that’s not exactly the answer that you would get here. Let’s be a little more specific. Our goal is to get you to ask questions that we do not have the answer for and quite possibly never will. The reasoning behind the “– we don’t know –“ is because we cannot read every policy in the state of Texas. And for a second let’s write a paragraph on that statement.
Let’s say we did?
Let’s say that we actually could read every policy in the state of Texas, and let’s say that we had such an amazing refine mine and understanding of policy language that we actually understood the ins and outs and idiosyncrasies of everything that we read. (Hope you are laughing) what happens when they change their policy language? Again we would be seeing through a glass darkly and again we would be giving out information that would just be wrong. The wrong of this would be – irresponsible and if we have any kind of moral code just old fashion wrong.
We are here today Monday all day hope to speak to you in person. Although it may be more evident in this particular blog than others here is why we have a disclaimer. We cannot possibly read all of the Dallas contractors insurance, general liability policies in Texas therefore we want to make that very clear and even put in a disclaimer that says – we may not know, possibly will never know and please work with your agent so you will have a better understanding of the coverage’s and protections that you pay for as a company.
Disclaimer to the point
Well, I wrote this personally and this is my opinion and nothing more. This website/myself/this blog offers no warranty or guarantee whatsoever and never will. Everything written on this website is for entertainment purposes only. If for any reason you have a question on our disclaimer please go here. Have a blessed day, watch for the heat here in Texas and be safe out there contractors and God bless.
See ya Tuesday
We as a group hope that we get to speak to you in person someday and someday soon. If you have a question we will do all we can to answer and sometimes the answer will be an unfortunately you need to speak with your agent. If you need a quote we are here in normally can do the quote/indication pretty fast and then we will discuss underwriting and see if we can get this all done within a few hours.