Hello to Dallas Contractors out here in North Texas

Dallas Contractors insurance, Dallas general liability 972-217-8907, Hello here in the middle of the week (well it’s Thursday) I do hope all is well with you contractors at large in North Texas and Dallas/Fort Worth in particular. We are here to day actually you can call right now, 8AM and we will have an agent on the phone with you to see if we as a company can help. We are not for everyone, we are for the smaller contractor. From the contractors who has a million five hundred thousand is sales to the one person contractor. The one and two person shop is usually who we work with the blue collar worker that is keeping America running. Dallas Contractors insurance general liability
Size does matter
Now, if we understand that maybe the world is round and yet unfair then this is going to go a lot better. The BIG box stores purchase in bulk and therefore maybe there are discounts that “they” can get that the smaller chains cannot. Maybe that is true and along that line of thinking the very small contractor may not get the same price breaks as the larger companies, you may be a small
- Roofing contractor
- General Contractor
- Subcontractor
- HVAC Contractor
- Flooring Contractor
You and your company may do great work and you may be growing and with that said you may be in the running one day to work with some of the larger companies. Maybe not so fast, some of the Minimum premiums start at fifty thousand dollars. For me that is a large amount of money. So, let talk about some of the things that we can do to help on your Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Now I not saying this is going to happen I am saying the most likely this can lower the cost of your general liability const. Have your subcontractors insured and I can hear you yelling now. The truth is that in most every case your premium should go down when you have insured subcontractors.
Now, this may not lower anything and you might ask your agent if your subcontractors are covered at all and that is another blog for another day.
You may want to ask your agent what the benefit it is to have your subcontractors endorse their insurance certificates to have you named as a additional insured with a waiver of subrogation. Now, there is not time on this blog to go over this but we will this weekend.
Now, pricing, the amount you pay can be effected by a lot of things and subcontractors can be one of them. Again there is a whole host of things that can make a difference so we will go over most of the “Things” that can make the price go up and down.
Hello Dallas it’s Thursday and I hope that you have a blessed day, I wrote this and thins is my opinion and that is all just my opinion. This is for entertainment only. WE/I/this blog/website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever. Thank you for your time and stopping by. For more on disclaimer go here.
More to come
There will be a lot more to come in the way of blogs this year of 2015, we don’t know if all but we will try to address the needs of the contractors at large here in the metroplex and we do thank you for stopping by from time to time. WE know that no one is just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, therefor you are busy. So, if you need a quote of need a question answered then just call us at your first convenience. WE are here a lot and look forward to speaking to you in person. Dallas contractors insurance quote.
WaHa!! What was that
Now, normally everyone on the web is saying buy from me, we are the best and have the greatest prices and who is to say that not all of that is not true? Pricing is well….kinda like an automobile, the Lexus may cost more that the least expensive Honda. Maybe, as we said before if you are a large company meaning having millions in payroll then you maybe you will get a price structure that is so much better than the little guy. Well not a lot that we can do about that, however we will ty and find the very best fit for you and your company. Just give us a try by giving us a call about your Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Well the hits just keep on coming
Now, is there a difference between the kid whom kept yelling wolf and the kid who saw him and ignored him until it was to late. I get accused of crying wolf a lot, in other words people seem to think that all I do is talk about claims and exposures. In other words all the bad stuff hence I am trying to sell you guy’s insurance because the sky is falling. Ok let’s look at this for a minute or two. First of all the sky is not going to fall and if it does well we have a lot more to worry about than an insurance claim. Yet, may it be true that the roof may fall or the tree or the….
- Roofer has a claim
- Fence contractor
- General Contractor!!
- Foundation Contractor Double YIKES
- Plumbing Contractor
- Excavator
For the sake of it all let’s say this – Hey! You might want to contact your agent on this because its going to get (metaphorically speaking) bumpy on the train to insurance-vill. (that is not a real town) here are some things you might want to think about. Let’s just say that you have a roofing claim and that roofing is excluded on your Dallas contractors insurance general liability policy. (like I said you might want to call your current agent and have a big talk about this, the choice is yours.)
We are talking about bumpy
Now, we are not lawyers here so, remember that this is just a made up scenario yet, could this really happen. You have a company and you have just finished a GREAT looking remodel job and then the client ask if you could fix a small patch on the roof. Maybe you will not yet some people may see dollar signs. You call “Randy yes I am green eggs and ham roofing company” and all of the sudden the roof is fixed. All is well and the check is big and off you go into a contractor’s future not concerned about Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Then you get THE call
The roof sprung a leak and the leak has caused about $ 25,000 Dollars in damage and you will need another five grand for the ruined sheet rock and another $ 30K to be sure there is no mold. You go over to the clients house to see the damage yourself. It can’t be that bad can it. Well, the roofer said that had insurance and that will fix the problem….right?
Ok, can it get worse!
Well, the following maybe could happen, maybe never happen who know that is not the question, the question is what happens if THIS happens? Example: So, you go to the clients house and the client meets you at the door and is all smiles. The homeowner explains that “they” filed a claim and were paid the entire amount and a DIFFERENT roofing company was on the way to fix what was damaged and all is swell and well. (I did tell that this was make believe right?_ so it seems like all is well, but the damage was paid for and now you must just move forward and let the insurance company and adjuster do their job.
A call
A call comes to you from the roofer that you used to patch the roof that ended up having a claim. The roofer wants to know why XYX insurance a sending a demand letter for over a $ 100,000.? Then there is A knock at the door and there is a certified letter saying that you owe a 100K.
This is going to take a while
Now, lets say that the roofer was insured (just saying) and the claim was paid by the roofers insurance. Now, will you get a demand letter from his insurance company? Well did you hire that person? Ok, let’s ask you a real question. Do insurance companies take their money seriously, or do you think that all is well and “THEY” will pursue an avenue to recoup their funds?
Well, call the agent yet?
Now, this is not to scare anyone but we are going to end soon yet there is much more to go over.
We can talk again about endorsements that can maybe help when it is claim time, but first let’s at least take a second to talk about Certificate of insurance. Now, here we go: Certificate of insurance might be very important for a few reasons:
ONE: is that well you may sleep better at night because of protection that has been offered to you and your family, now nothing that I know of will make you impervious to claims, just like you auto insurance may not be perfect; however most people don’t want to leave home without it.
Additional Insured
Addition insured: again ask you agent what is the importance of the endorsement of Additional insured, you may find this helps in case of a claim. Where maybe the insurance policy has been altered to protect you and your company in case of a claim. Maybe to defend you in court and possibly protect your policy from being attached to a law suite that is has been initiated because a subcontractor has been found negligent. Again ask you agent.
Waiver of subrogation
Now, here is the rub of the sand paper type. This may never happen, that is not the question “Could it happen” is anyone’s guess because who knows the future? The question is WHAT IF this happened to you and your company. A claim was paid by your subcontractors’ insurance company, the claimant and the company have reached an agreement. All is done and finished or so it seems. Here is the question, can or will the insurance company that protected you in court and paid a claim on your behalf (your company’s) will they turn around and litigate against you? HEY! I thought we were friends?
Well…what now?
Ok, the above is all made up, it’ not a real claim and XYZ maybe a real company but not in this story. Yet, what happens next. What happens if the company that was fighting/litigating on you and your company’s behalf is not asking you to reimburse them for the same claim? Is it time to say “Say it ain’t so Joe” Maybe not you but for sure me. The insurance company has more money than I do and certainly better access to attorneys, well that is just me. What about you?
Waiver of subrogation
Now, this is where for sure talk to your agent. Waiver of subrogation might mean that after your rigorous battle in the court room and all is said and done then you might not be litigated against because you have a waiver of subrogation. This may remove the right of an insurance company to litigate against you for the loss sum of monies that may have been paid in a claim. Again, this is where you need to speak to an agent and this is where we put our link to our disclaimer.
Back at cha tomorrow
We are glad to be part of the Texas insurance landscape and will have a fresh article on Friday, til then be safe and God Bless you, your family and your company.