Here we go again?

Dallas general liability insurance: A friend of mine said the following. Gentlemen and all the ladies please take shelter, please protect yourself under a STRONG Bridge. For the weather is treating again and “I” (said the friend) am about to drop the “F” Bomb and that is going to create holes in your local area, office and where-ever-you-are. And that ain’t funny W E A T H E R (Ice) hey were done, want and need to go to work and the weather needs to cooperate. NUFF SAID. Man, I hope that is well and now that we are off our three story Sope box maybe we can go back to business and talk Dallas Contractors General Liability Insurance.
Well there is hope
With seed (how fast we can render a quote) we are pretty dang fast, let’s say around five minutes, Yet there are things that can sure slow you down. Think Framer or a lager General Contractor or someone that wants to work out of state with their workers’ compensation. Yes, things can get messy fast. So, with all that said the small contractor working in the fields of:
Now that are things that go real fast and there are things that are called a submit, (Think Welding) if you are a welder and put up small metal buildings, we are your guys. If you are a welder and weld in the oil field….we we can’t help. So, very sorry, We work in the fields that we have the better rates for and have a better relationship with the underwriter.
The Underwriter
The underwriter is very important to “US” as an agency and here is why; the underwriter by definition is the person that can scrub the WWW (world wide web) and find things that we missed. This is NOT to turn down your company form buying a policy this to BETTER understand your business model, understand what you are doing so that we can have the best possible coverage in case of a claim.
Now, as for claims that is another POST for another day, however it does not take a mental giant to access that if you are covered for remodeling and you are a welder….well there will most likely be a problem…and we do not want to hear the words CLAIM denied on your Dallas Contractors General liability insurance.
And there is more
Now, understand that the underwriter and our agency need to work as a team, we need and will put contractors with the proper company and that company wants to know what you are REALLY Doing. They are betting a MILLION DOLLARS that you don’t have a claim. We think that is a lot.
Man, what a year it has been so far, we the people have been hit with some crap weather. Now, this post was written by ME and this is my opinion and my opinion only. Also, we offer no Warranty nor
Guarantee ever, what so ever. More on Disclaimer click here.