Hey! WE are over here

Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General Liability: 972 217 8907 I had a person asked me here recently why did I have such things as the weather and some of the more general aspects of human interest here on our contracting website. The answer is because we come here every day, when you go to a website that does not update their blog every day that is called a static page. Our daily input is fresh, we want to be here for the smaller contractor, meaning the handyman all the way to the guy that has a small crew and runs a total gross run of $1.5 million in a year. Now, we could put the buzzwords in our blogs to help sell our stuff – we could use words such as affordability, old-fashioned “cheap” – and throw a few industry-standard words such as monoline and “BOP” business owners policy and all the stuff that we could do, but we don’t. We never will – I was born in the 50s and I like what I do and I enjoy coming here every day and talking to the people of Dallas and of Fort Worth, about the weather and all the other things that affect us as Texans right here in our state. Now like I said before we are not for everyone so let’s move forward and talk about Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability.
And then this happened
I have never made the statement that I am a statistician yet it is most probable that if you know someone that is 40 years old that that someone has been in an auto accident. Now I read somewhere that statistically between 16 years old and 40 the likelihood of you having an accident is somewhere in the high 90s. Again, I cannot tell you exactly how accurate that statement is yet I can say that you just might run across a few people who have carried general liability for say 20 or 30 years and have never had a claim. Yet, times have changed and as time did change so it seems has the landscape of contractors insurance. Here are a few things that may be different than just 15 years ago…
Man, this list is not exhaustive, there is a lot a whole lot that we may need to go over and cannot go over all of it or even a large portion in one blog. Yet, things have changed in the recent years – the city you are in may require a certificate of insurance and that may not have been true not such a long time ago. Endorsements, because of the companies that now handle certificates of insurance it seems like the endorsements are more common in more aggressive than they used to be in my opinion. Now, again I am only one agent at of thousands this is just one website at of tens of thousands that are on the web that handle insurance. Get in my humble opinion it may be a good idea to have someone who has worked in the arena of contractors insurance for a while and may have an understanding of the company that they are working with for your coverage. Dallas contractors insurance, Dallas general liability and we are just getting started.
I wrote this entire website and this blog in particular, this is one person’s opinion and that opinion is my. I come here every day to express my opinion and everything on this website is one person’s opinion and nothing else. This website/blog and myself offer no warranty or guarantee whatsoever. All of the information on this entire website and this blog in particular is for informational and entertainment purposes only. If you have a question on this disclaimer please go here