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Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General Liability; – 972-217-8907 Hello Dallas we have made it to the half way mark this week and man it is old fashioned HOT right here in Dallas/Fort Worth and the surrounding metroplex. Thank you for dropping our small cyber shop here in Dallas and we want to be of assistance to the best or our ability and we are not for ever one we are here for the smaller contractor that will have a total run of $ 1,500,000 that’s one and a half million. General Liability is where most contractors start of course there are other coverage’s and we will be going over those today and talking about codes. Yes, codes and subcontractors and Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General Liability
Now, subcontractors is the way of most contractors now days of course it’s not for everyone yet in our own experience we usually get that a hybrid or a person that uses 100% subcontractors. We work will be here to work with you and your company however you run you labor cost. Now, back to codes, you may have a policy in place and have not coverage if there is a claim if the coding is wrong. Here is an example
Let’s say that you have a remodeling code on your policy (the remodeling code is a blog unto itself)
There is a very good chance that this remodeling code does not cover thigs such as roofing, again I did not say does not cover, yet I did say (type) might not cover, this is where you might ask your current agent. You might be doing work like…
- Painting
- Make ready
- Handy Man
- Remodeling
- Flooring
Now there are a lot of different kinds of contractors that is just an example so, please understand that we don’t know what you guys are doing as of yet and what you do may not be on the list it’s just a small sample of example. Ok, now here we go: The code is something that says what the type of work by way of a assigned code: Painting and flooring will have different codes. (yes there may be a code that has several codes imbedded inside but that is a different blog altogether. Let’s talk about coverage’s on your Dallas Contractors Insurance, Dallas General Liability
What we are driving at here is that you may not what to have a claim if you don’t have that type of code on your policy. In other words you don’t want to have a claim that was caused be a welder and you only have painting on your Fort Worth Contractors Insurance, Fort Worth General Liability policy. Now, you may have welding excluded on your policy and that is another blog. WE/This website will update on every day Monday through Sunday so you can look around as stay awhile you are always welcome.
This is for your entertainment only. This is my opinion and nothing more. WE/I/This blog offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever. We are here if you need us just call and we will do all that we can to be of help when you call or you might click the purple button to the right side of the page where it say’s quote. If you have a question on our disclaimer go here