Is the week half full or empty

Dallas Contractors insurance general liability 972-217-8907, well here we are in the middle with you and we are glad to be part of the contractor’s landscape when it comes to the protection of property and the liability part of the equation. We are here at our office very week day from 8AM til at least 6PM and hope that can be of help to you and your business. Now, in most every case contractors don’t call just to chat. In most cases a business owner wants to get down to business. And normally what is needed is numbers (cost of coverage) to see how they can move forward with their projects. Dallas Contractors insurance here we go.
The first part
The first part, the part where we get the quote(s) together for you and your business is going to most every time go fast. Now, what we are going to do here is put together a few bits of information that will establish a base line of numbers that will end up looking like a quote in other words we will need to know…
- Experience
- How long in business
- Type of contracting
- Subcontractors
- Employee(s)
There are other questions that will need to be asked but this will get you started. Now, remember that this is going to be a quote and this quote is also known as an indication. In other words without more information we cannot get the final numbers or firm numbers to your company for your Dallas contractors insurance general liability.
Now, here we go….the dreaded underwriting. Now, you may not know this yet it seems that the internet has a good memory and can be searched by underwriters. They might find things such as law suits and websites that you may be flying to show what your company can do. There can be a problem here and here is an example: You are a painter yet you have on your website that you can build fences and that you can pour concrete.
Well…not good
If there is a type of work on your website that you have not listed on your application then there can be a problem with your Dallas contractors quote. So, this is something that you might want to keep in the back of your mind while giving the information to our agent.
Bad to worse
No one here has a crystal ball, however let’s put everything into prospective. Let’s that you have car insurance on a small inexpensive auto, yet in reality you are driving a corvette worth 70,000 thousand dollars. Now, when this auto is totaled what do you think is going to happen? Do you think that maybe just maybe the insurance company is going to balk at paying seventy grand? Maybe? Well the same can be true on Dallas contractor’s general liability quote.
I wrote this myself and this is my personal opinion. We/I/this blog/this website offers no warrantee nor guarantee whatsoever. This is for entertainment only. If you have a question on our disclaimer click here.